Differentiated Instruction and UDL
Exercise Think of a lesson plan you would like to (or have) used in a classroom Identify the grade you are hoping to teach it in Get in a group with others whose lesson plan is aimed at the same grade Briefly (5min) describe your idea for your lesson plan to other members in your group
Differentiated Instruction: What is it? Differentiating instruction means creating multiple paths so that students of different abilities, interest or learning needs experience equally appropriate ways to learn and present concepts. It allows students to take greater responsibility and ownership for their own learning, and provides opportunities for peer teaching and cooperative learning.
Exercise Pick 1 example differentiated lesson plan per group Look over the lesson plan and indicate what you notice about it.
Differentiated Instruction: Model
Differentiated Instruction: Key Features
Step#1: Knowing the Learner
Knowing the Learner Readiness Identifying Readiness: -Formal assessment reports, IEP, Progress Reports, Pre-assessment, In class brainstorm Differentiating according to readiness: -Varying the pace, level of complexity, degree of independence, and amount of structure provided. -Choose different entry points (i.e., review for some, extended learning for others).
Knowing the Learner Interests Identifying interest -Initial interest questionnaires, Unit specific interest questionnaires, surveys, asking questions in class, partner introductions Differentiating according to interest -Group students according to aspects of the unit that interest them -Provide choice of topic, novel, or context for application
Knowing the Learner Preferences Learning style preferences -Visual, auditory, kinesthetic learner Intelligence preferences (i.e., Gardiner’s multiple intelligences) -Logical-mathematical, Spatial, Linguistic, Bodily-kinesthetic, Musical, Interpersonal, Intrapersonal, Naturalistic, Existential Environment preferences -Environmental conditions that help student learn (i.e., independently, in groups, with noise, no distraction, with bright lights, etc…)
Design Learner Profiles
Designing Learner Profiles Cont’d
Exercise Discuss in groups to create a plan of how you would like to gather information about your learners at the beginning of the year. What kind of class profile would you like to use. Why would you find it helpful?
Step#2: What to differentiate?
What to differentiate?
Exercise In your groups identify some examples of each of the following sections that you will have to differentiate. Content Process Product Learning Environment
Step#3: How to Differentiate?
How to differentiate? Research-based instruction
Exercise Choose one package of instruction strategy cards per group and split them up amongst the group. Explain strategy to other group members. Together identify which strategies might be useful for your lesson plans
How to Differentiate? DI Structures The following allow teachers to easily vary the complexity or form of task Choice boards Cubing Learning Centers or Stations Learning Contracts RAFT Tiering
Exercise Choose one package of structure cards per group and split them up amongst the group. Explain structures to other group members. Together identify which structures might be useful for your lesson plans
Universal Design for Learning Universal Design for Learning (UDL) is a set of principles for curriculum development that give all individuals equal opportunities to learn. Watch a short video introduction to UDL udl
UDL Guidelines The National Centre on UDL Designed some guidelines to help teachers design their curriculum according to UDL. UDL Guideline video UDL Guideline examples
Exercise Working through one guideline at a time - for each guideline: - Discuss in your group how you could use the guideline to improve your lesson. Write notes in your guideline notes page. - Look for some examples for addressing guideline. Add useful examples to your guideline notes page.
UDL in Practice Video of UDL Guidelines in practice in a grade 6 science class 4
Resources Differentiated instruction UDL