1 Monday Week 1 Lecture Jeff Eldred Longitudinal Dynamics, RF manipulations
Jeffrey Eldred (TA) Graduated with PhD December 2015 Indiana University working with Shyh-Yuan Lee Worked at Fermilab on PIP-II upgrade Slip-stacking and Electron Cloud. Postdoc at Fermilab on IOTA experiment Nonlinear transverse dynamics, Landau damping, space-charge compensation, modern ring-design 2 Kilean Hwang (grader) Graduating with PhD this semester Indiana University working with Shyh-Yuan Lee Dipole fringe fields Electrostatic storage rings using EDM.
3 Overview 1.RF Cavities 2.Longitudinal Dynamics 3.RF bucket phase-space 4.RF acceleration 5.Other RF dynamics 3
4 Longitudinal Motion of Particle Beams 4
5 Credit: FNAL Rookie Book
6 Numerically Calc. Eigenmodes Credit: University of Rostock
7 Credit: Q. Wu, S. Belomestnykh W. Xu
8 Energy in one pass through cavity
Fractional Momentum: RF Acc. Per Pass: Change Momentum per unit time: 9 Change in Momentum Sinesoidal potential:
10 Phase-Slip Factor η The arrival time of the particle depends on the momentum: Higher momentum particles may arrive earlier or later than lower momentum particles: We can write the change in phase per unit time using the phase-slip factor:
11 Longitudinal Focusing
12 Phase-space Motion
13 Hamiltonian & Separatrix Separatrix: Hamiltonian: Stable Phase-space Area:
14 Perturbation of Synchrotron Motion 14
15 Stable Beams
16 Perturbation of Stable Beams
17 Slipping Beams
18 Perturbation of Slipping Beams
19 Accelerating Buckets 19
20 A fixed frequency beam longitudinally focuses the beam into a several beam “bunches” in individual RF “buckets”. Particles in the bucket can be accelerated by adiabatically changing the RF frequency, the other particles are lost. RF Acceleration
21 Credit: X. Kang SY. Lee
23 Stable Phase-space Area as a function of φ s
24 Other Examples of Longitudinal RF Dynamics 24
25 Transition Crossing 25
26 Phase-Focusing & Acceleration
27 Phase-space at Transition
28 RF + Harmonic RF Cavities 28
29 Harmonic RF 2 nd Harmonic RF: In general you could imagine:
30 Harmonic RF for H- injection Credit: JPARC
31 Harmonic RF for Ph-Sp Dilution Credit: A. Pham
32 Bunch Rotation by Quadrupole Resonance 32
34 Credit: X. Yang