+ Motivation & Multiple Intelligences
+ Engagement & Motivation Human attention span estimates range: from 3-5 minutes per year of age in young children to a maximum of around 20 minutes in adults Source:
Can You Match These? 10% 20% 30% 50% 70% 80% 95% of what we see and hear of what we experience of what we see of what we discuss with others of what we teach to someone else of what we hear of what we read Source: (Fogarty, 1995)
Dan Pink: Motivation
+ Multiple Intelligences Multi-Modal Pedagogical Strategies
Howard Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences Theory
+ Verbal/ Linguistic Intelligence Deals with words and language, both written and spoken Analyzing own use of the language Understanding syntax and the meaning of words
+ Logical-Mathematical Intelligence Deals with inductive and deductive thinking, numbers, and abstract patterns Performing complex calculations Reasoning scientificallys
+ Intrapersonal Intelligence Deals with self-reflection and awareness of inner states of being Understanding self in relationship with others Being aware of and expressing various feelings
+ Interpersonal Intelligence Deals with person-to- person relationships and communications Seeing things from others' perspectives Cooperating within a group
+ Naturalist Intelligence Deals with the ability to recognize and organize parts of the natural environment Observing and understanding patterns in nature Recognizing and classifying plants and animals
+ Spatial Intelligence Deals with the sense of sight and the ability to visualize and create mental images Recognizing relationships between objects Representing things graphically
+ Musical Intelligence Deals with recognizing tonal patterns, sounds, rhythms, and beats Creating melodies and rhythms Understanding the structure of music
+ Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence Deals with physical movement and the wisdom of the body Improving body functions Controlling voluntary movements and movements previously learned
+ Existential Intelligence? Possible new intelligence category Deals with spiritual & metaphysical awareness
+ Emotional Intelligence Daniel Goleman’s (1995) theory Ability to perceive, use, understand, and manage emotions Stronger predictor of success than IQ TED Talk: Don’t eat the marshmallow! ays_don_t_eat_the_marshmallow_yet ays_don_t_eat_the_marshmallow_yet