HIF2004 Atomic physics-HEDM N°1 good news : US will focus on HEDM physics ! N°2 good news : SIS-100 will be funded : HEDgeHOB collaboration, 38 institutions, 13 countries 25 % of oral presentations at the HIF2004 addressed issues related to AP-HEDM (a part of Russia contribution missing) Stopping (Hoffmann-Blazevic-Oguri), scattering(Maynard), resistivity (Udrea-Varentsov) in dense plasmas EOS (Fortov, Tahir) Instabilities (Bret, Clark, Piriz-Tahir) AP : (Kaganovich, Olson, Dubois, Chung, Molvik)
HIF2004 Atomic physics Beam loss during acceleration : hybrid formula (Kaganovich) : for each impact parameter choose between quantum and Classical approximate formula, seems to work for the total el. loss scaled formula Ar target (Dubois) 1400 data points, single and multiple ionisations 2 dispersion, highest energy limits for HIF by extrapolation ? N-CTMC (Olson) U 28+ time of life in SIS to 5 times smaller than previous estimate. Ar and Xe ion colliding with H and N. Good agreement with experiment. Estimation for high energy limit HIF. Negative ions: a factor three.
HIF2004 Stopping in plasma First experimental result of stopping with >1 (Hoffmann,Weyrich) N° 1 rule for strongly coupled plasmas and Z>1 bound electrons play a significant role. (Also for EOS (Fortov)) N° 2 rule : Do not expect very large effect -> accurate diagnostics are required! Theory : How the inner-shells are affected by a change of the outer-shell states ? How a change in the inner-shell properties influence CX. Charge state analysis povide information on the wave function of inner-shell in the velocity space Molecular dynamic simulation (Oguri) Similar as cooling by eb (Erlangen group). Non linear effect for the recombination coefficient. There is no classical linear stopping. Two perturbation parameters: Q/V and Q/(n(V/ ) 3 = (Q/V)( /V 2 ) Charge dependent stopping in solid (Blazevic) A solid is a strongly coupled plasma Still only few results Still theoretical work to do
HIF2004 Diagnostic of plasma targets A. Blazevic : stopping in laser created plasma required several diagnostics + modelisation. The required uniformity of the target is determined not by the physical process you want to analyse but by the diagnostic you use ( SPQR, Orsay) O. Rosmej diagnostic seems to be quite promissing, both for the projectile and the target atoms Opacities are fundamental properties of dense plasmas, they provide unique tools to diagnose plasma target. New diagnostics using LPS (Geissel, Ruhl, Maynard)
HIF2004 Dynamical properties of dense plasmas Resistivity of ion heated plasmas (Varentsov) Can yield the opportunity to compare with explosive wires: Normal or anomalous conductivity depending on the parameter /kT. Gives the low velocity limit of the stopping Yield information on the ion-ion structure factor.
HIF2004 N-electrons dynamics in strong fields Applications : Hi-Ha collision, Fs-pulse laser interaction with gas, Diagnostics of dense plasma (relaxation process) Other connection: e-3e experiments. D. Hoffmann : (V/ )/V= 1/ =10 -(17-18) s, I Z 2 a.u. Classical mechanic is exact in the limit of short time. n-CTMC is a very powerful method (Olson, Gruener, Maynard) Initial state : Best classical approximation of the quantum Wigner quasi- distribution function There is still a need to check and probably to improve in specific cases (quasi-neutral ion at high energies)