1March 28 - April 1, 2016 Havana, Physics and Applications of High Brightness Beams Advanced electron acceleration experiments planned at the CILEX-Apollon facility
2March 28 - April 1, 2016 Havana, Physics and Applications of High Brightness Beams Contributors (non exhaustive list) A. Specka 1, B. Cros 2, P. Monot 3, T. Audet 2, A. Beck 1, M. Bougeard 3, C. Bruni 4, A-M. Cauchois 1, A. Chancé 5, S. Corde 8, N. Delerue 4, O. Delferrière 5, F. Desforges 2, S. Dobosz Dufrénoy 3, M. Grech 6, P. Lee 2, A. Lifschitz 8, A. Maitrallain 3, V. Malka 8, J.R. Marquès 6, Ph. Martin 3, F. Mathieu 6, G. Maynard 2, A. Mosnier 5, P. Mora 7, B. S. Paradkar 2, A. Rousse 8, J. Schwindling 5, S. Sebban 8, K. Ta Phuoc 8, C. Thaury 8, T. Vinatier 4, P. Audebert 6, F. Amiranoff 6 1 LLR, Ecole Polytechnique, CNRS, Palaiseau France 2 LPGP, CNRS, Université Paris Sud, Orsay, France 3 LIDyL, CEA, IRAMIS, Centre de Saclay, France. 4 LAL, CNRS, Université Paris Sud, Orsay, France 5 SACM, CEA, IRFU, Centre de Saclay, France. 6 LULI, Ecole Polytechnique, CNRS, CEA, UPMC, Palaiseau, France 7 CPhT, Ecole-Polytechnique, CNRS, Palaiseau, France. 8 LOA, ENSTA, Ecole-Polytechnique, CNRS, Palaiseau, France.
3March 28 - April 1, 2016 Havana, Physics and Applications of High Brightness Beams Project CILEX-APOLLON 1 km South of Plateau de Saclay interdisciplinary centre CILEX under construction at "Plateau de Saclay" hosting multi-PW lasers APOLLON to address physics at unexplored power densities and smaller scale facilities for pluridisciplinary programs training of scientists and engineers, operated as a user-facility
4March 28 - April 1, 2016 Havana, Physics and Applications of High Brightness Beams APOLLON laser beams 10 PW: 15fs-few ps / 25, 50, 75, 150 J "creation beam": 200J uncompressed 1 PW: 15fs-few ps / 1, 5, 10, 15 J "probe beam": <20fs / 250 mJ incoherent contrast I < W/cm Laser technologies OPCPA Front End Ti:Sapphire power amplification
5March 28 - April 1, 2016 Havana, Physics and Applications of High Brightness Beams Objectives short focal-length area Apollon laser Hall long focal-length area High intensity Gas targets, large volume Electron acceleration Radiation generation Electron/photon interaction High intensity Gas targets, large volume Electron acceleration Radiation generation Electron/photon interaction Highest intensity Solid targets Ion acceleration Radiation generation Highest intensity Solid targets Ion acceleration Radiation generation Objectives Study the feasibility of a LPA scalable to high particle energy combine high gradient methods and meter scale stages Implement a test facility for LPA studies build a community of physicists Develop a reliable relativistic electron source for applications build a community of users Objectives Study the feasibility of a LPA scalable to high particle energy combine high gradient methods and meter scale stages Implement a test facility for LPA studies build a community of physicists Develop a reliable relativistic electron source for applications build a community of users
6March 28 - April 1, 2016 Havana, Physics and Applications of High Brightness Beams Single stage limitation E (MeV) n (10 18 cm -3 ) To increase the energy gain decrease the density increase the laser power Experimental results follow the energy gain scaling law PW level 1-10 cm long plasma
7March 28 - April 1, 2016 Havana, Physics and Applications of High Brightness Beams Work Plan PHASE 1: Design experiments in Long Focal-length Area (LFA) ●Upstream R&D on satellite facilities (LOA, UHI100) ●Conceptual & technical design of the experimental set-up (CILEX) ●Procurement & implementation of equipment in LFA PHASE 2: Commissioning of the 1st PW beam and facility through the mechanism of LPA in the non linear regime ●Validation of laser specification (I < W/cm 2, a 0 < 7) ●Comparison to scaling laws and exploratory experiments ●Injector optimization PHASE 3: Develop a two stage Laser Plasma Accelerator (Injector/accelerator) ●Electron beam transport, focusing system, synchronisation, and injection into a plasma wave over a long distance
8March 28 - April 1, 2016 Havana, Physics and Applications of High Brightness Beams Main identified tasks 1.Exploratory experiments with a single beam ●Validate scaling laws (energy dependence on plasma density and laser power) & commission the facility (laser parameters, experimental area) ●Use various injection mechanisms (shock injection, with ionization assistance) 2.Optimize the injector (1 PW) ●To provide 100 pC electron bunches in the range MeV ●with smalll energy spread (≤10%) and divergence (≤10mrad) Self-injection on-axis or off-axis strongly non linear self-focusing difficult to control Density gradient <0 ● soft gradient L grad >> p to slow down the wakefields ● steep gradient L grad p to increase the bubble size to place e- to the right phase A.J. Gonsalves et al, Nature Physics (2011) ● shock front with ionization gas mixture of H and N (1-2%) ionization of the inner shells to increase the charge w/o increasing the energy spread C. Thaury et al, Nature scientific report (2015)
9March 28 - April 1, 2016 Havana, Physics and Applications of High Brightness Beams Example of a 1 st single-stage experiment Parameters for acceleration in the bubble regime with e - self-injection and self-focusing quasi-monoenergetic 100 pC-scale e- bunch energy up to 3 GeV after 20 mm acceleration CALDER-Circ simulation Energy spread 5% Divergence 5 mrad Efficiency 10% pulse energy transferred to the bunch electrons trapped during pulse focusing and bubble expansion with radial offset slightly below the local spot size half bubble length: 29µm max
10March 28 - April 1, 2016 Havana, Physics and Applications of High Brightness Beams Upstream R&D on Injector ELISA - ELectron Injector for compact Staged high energy Accelerator LCC facility (Lund) UHI100 facility (CEA Saclay) ●Gas Cell (better stability than gas-jet) of variable length (<10mm) ●Ionization-induced injection Gas mixture (H 2 1% N 2 ) Density profile Ionization and trapping of the inner-shell e- of high Z atom (eg nitrogen) at the peak of laser intensity Pak et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. 104, (2010) Ex. experimental E p =76 MeV, E/E=10% L cell =1.5mm, n 0 =1.2 x cm -3 R.L. Audet et al. (Jan. 2016) Nucl. Inst. & Meth. Phys. Res. A
11March 28 - April 1, 2016 Havana, Physics and Applications of High Brightness Beams Main identified tasks 3.Preparation of 2-stage acceleration: develop and implement the equipments required to ●characterize the electron bunches (energy and spatial distributions) ●synchronize electron bunches and laser beam ●transport and match the electron bunches to a 2 nd stage ●guide the laser beam over large distances (0.1-1 m) gas cell non linear regime dielectric capillary quasi-linear regime Injector MeV Acceleration stage 5-10 GeV Focusing optics & matching e-beam Laser 1 Laser 2
12March 28 - April 1, 2016 Havana, Physics and Applications of High Brightness Beams Implementation in the experimental area 10 PW (150J, 15 fs) laser used as driver for acceleration stage 10 PW (150J, 15 fs) laser used as driver for acceleration stage 1 PW (15J, 15 fs) laser used 1 st as driver for injection and acceleration in a single stage with various targets then as driver for injection stage 1 PW (15J, 15 fs) laser used 1 st as driver for injection and acceleration in a single stage with various targets then as driver for injection stage
13March 28 - April 1, 2016 Havana, Physics and Applications of High Brightness Beams Laser beam transport focusing with spherical mirrors in each IA ●rather than OA parabolas: cheaper, easier to align ●variable focal length : I 0 w 0 matching F1 (10 PW, Ø 400 mm) 8m, 16m, 32 m F2 ( 1 PW, Ø 140 mm) 3m, 8m, 14 m ●use of beam through hole in pierced mirror for diagnostics General layout (highest focal lengths shown)
14March 28 - April 1, 2016 Havana, Physics and Applications of High Brightness Beams Beam transport line requirements e-beam Laser 1 Laser 2 1 st order tranport matrix (horizontal plane only) I. Dornmair et al, PRSTAB 18, (2015) Ex. smooth transition at extraction (low divergence and constant emittance) allows simple laser beam transport and particle beam instrumentation well suited at low energy but not scalable at high energy mirror symmetry
15March 28 - April 1, 2016 Havana, Physics and Applications of High Brightness Beams Baseline design 2 experimental areas IA1 (10 PW) and IA2 (1 PW) For each interaction area ●laser transport up to focusing, with vacuum system ●two focal length focusing mirror per IA, with vacuum system ●2 interaction chambers, with vacuum system ●2 gas target instrumentation (jet/cell+target platform+feed) ●2 electron spectrometers (Q2D or Q3D): ●1 electron transport line IP2->IP1 at fixed energy 1PW 10PW
16March 28 - April 1, 2016 Havana, Physics and Applications of High Brightness Beams Conclusions Short-term & long-term program for electron acceleration with multi-PW laser beams Facility open to scientific & technical contributions ●2 independent interaction area, variable focal length : I 0 w 0 matching ●Modular vacuum chambers, resident diagnostics & beam alignment system Flexibility of setup and Open-access to international users ●Accomodation of non-resident setups, targets and diagnostics ●Possible application-oriented experiments with electrons, gamma, X-rays Strong synergy with Desig Study EuPRAXIA !
17March 28 - April 1, 2016 Havana, Physics and Applications of High Brightness Beams Backup slides
18March 28 - April 1, 2016 Havana, Physics and Applications of High Brightness Beams Potential of LPA 1 m 35 MV/m Plasma wave excited by laser (poderomotive forces) or by particle beam (Coulomb forces) Laser pulse E Plasma electronic density Quasi-linear regime a 0 =0.5Non linear regime (bubble) a 0 =4 Ponderomotive forceNormalized potential vector
19March 28 - April 1, 2016 Havana, Physics and Applications of High Brightness Beams
20March 28 - April 1, 2016 Havana, Physics and Applications of High Brightness Beams
21March 28 - April 1, 2016 Havana, Physics and Applications of High Brightness Beams
22March 28 - April 1, 2016 Havana, Physics and Applications of High Brightness Beams
23March 28 - April 1, 2016 Havana, Physics and Applications of High Brightness Beams
24March 28 - April 1, 2016 Havana, Physics and Applications of High Brightness Beams