Non-profit Business Support Centres in Hajdú-Bihar and Bihor counties: Development of operation an cooperation facilities HURO/0802/108_AF Experiences of the project Dr. András Kiss project manager
Main data: Partners: Chamber of Commerce and Indutry of Hajdú-Bihar County – Lead partner Municipality of Oradea – Partner Submission of the application: Information on the success: Start date of the project: Period of the project:30 months
Budget and it’s sources : Partners ERDF grant (euro; %) National co- financing (euro; %) Own contribution (euro; %) Total Lead partner: HBKIK ,4280,53 % ,819,47 % ,0310 % ,26 Project partner: Oradea ,3285 % ,0211 %36.493,104 % ,43 Total: ,7481, ,839,82 % ,138,63% ,69
Target: To ensure facilities for non-profit business support organisations on both sides of the border in Debrecen and in Oradea. Results: The facility in Debrecent has been constructed on the site landed by the City of Debrecen – 13, Vörösmarty str., Debrecen. The parking lot has been built on the site purchased by HBKIK at 15, Vörösmarty Str m2 floor space, 31 parking places undeground and on the surface together End of construction: Permit:
Overview 2011: planning, public procurement December, 2011: result in the public procurement for construction : President of HBKIK and managing director of Jánosik és Társai Kft. signed the construction contract : handing over of the builing site February, 2012.: archeological exploration March 2012: start of the construction
From August 2012: public procurement of equipment : technical handover December, 2012 – June, 2013: supply and installation of equipment (included office furniture)
Public procurement Construction Basic construction Auxiliary construction Construction of parking lot Participation of 24 local sub-contractors (80%) Purchase of building material: 70% from local enterprises
Procurement of equipment Burgler alarm system, fire protection sytem Telephone system IT equipment Simultaneous interpretation system Voting system Copiers, office equipment Audio-visual equipment Building management system Office furniture
Experiences Application – budget Partner change was necessary Design and permission Flexible and operative cooperation with the Romanian partner Public procurement Typical mistakes of the proposers Meeting the requirements of the control bodies
The return of the facility Venue for business negotiations Meetings, events Trainings Complex services at one place
Partners Design: András Kováts, Keletterv Kft. Contractor for building: Jánosik és Társai Kft. Contractor for parking: Nyír-Flop-Holding Kft. Technical supervision: Nyírber Kft. Project management: DBH Project Management Kft.
Project part in Romania Venue: 2nd floor, building „C”, Szent László Castle Reconstruction of 1000 m2 floor area Ceremonial handover:
Thank you for your kind attention! Dr. András Kiss Project manager Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Hajdú-Bihar County