Pax Fax Survey Executive Summary, 2012 Q3
Research Framework The goal of the survey is to examine the composition of passengers and to get detailed information about evaluations of Budapest Airport facilities Face-to-face interviews at gates T2A &T2B Departing Passengers (originating and transfer) Interviews in Hungarian, English, Russian, French and German Interviewing 0645 to 2100 hours, incl. weekends No. of interviews: 1000 passengers Interview numbers had fixed quotas with reference to the number of flights associated with each destination
Citizenship of passengers Rate of Hungarians Base: total sample 2012 Q3
Definition of categories: A: – College/university or PhD degree, with a standard of living a little, or a lot higher than the average B: – College/university or PhD degree, with an average standard of living; – Grammar/trade school, with a standard of living much higher than the average C: – College/university or PhD degree, with a standard of living lower, or much lower than the average; – Technical-trade/grammar school, with an average standard of living, or one a little higher than the average D: – Trade/grammar school, with a lower, or a much lower standard of living than the average; – Primary/technical school, with a little, or a lot higher-than-average living standard E: —Primary/technical school; with an average or lower than average standard of living Socio-economic groupings 2012 Q3 A+B Base: total sample
A+B C+D+E Socio-economic groupings (Hungarians/Foreigners) 2012 Q3
Reason for the trip: business trips Base: total sample The method of the question changed in 2011, Q4 during data collection: from multi to single answer. T2A T2B TOTAL 2012Q3
T2A T2B Reason for the trip Base: total sample Total 2012Q3
Base: total sample How did you purchase your ticket? 2012Q3
Base: total sample Number of flights in the last 12 months from BUD 2012 Q3