Getting to Know Ooooooooooothelloooo Mrs. Powe English
Get EXCITED to Learn About: The Elizabethan Era and the Renaissance Including: The Moors Venice Women Love, Marriage, and Adultery European Military Shakespeare
Who were the Elizabethans? Queen Elizabeth of England Renaissance= new ideas in science and literature Daily life depended on status and location
RELIGION and CULTURE Catholic vs. Protestant Language Priests Sins Village life Changes in entertainment Poetry, art, music, literature, drama
EDUCATION Age 5 Upper class Not for women Latin Curriculum dictated by religion Grammar, rhetoric, history, philosophy
Who were the Moors? North Africans of Arab decent who inhabited areas of what is now Spain and Portugal “Moor” is a derogatory term to refer to Muslims Knowledgeable in mathematics, astronomy, art, and agriculture
The Moors in England Migrated to England and other parts of Europe Slave trade—worked for many nobles Some advanced in society Racism and stripping of rights Numerous amounts, Queen Elizabeth expelled all "Blackmoores" from England
Venice During the Renaissance Venetians—people of Venice Well versed in literature, arts, architecture Cultural center of Europe Setting of Othello
Venetian Politics During the Renaissance A well-known republic Supreme rulers were elected for life Ruled by a small group of wealthy nobles
Venetian Education and Religion During the Renaissance Catholic Very strict Men and women went to school Women were taught how to support men in daily life Men learned languages, literature, math
Women During the Renaissance Marry and have children OR Become a nun / work Education for higher class Literate mothers taught children Lower Class women has less freedom Jobs: farm, wool spinners, midwives, seamstresses
Major Military Conflicts in Europe During the Elizabethan Age The Elizabethan war with Spain The wars in Ireland Major super powers were: England France Spain Ireland
Getting Married in the Renaissance Marriage must be held in the open no secret marriages! Priest must bless a daughter or female relative before they can get married. Must go through a betrothal ceremony before getting married officially where both exchange benefits. Separation was allowed yet there was no such thing as a legal divorce.
Rules of Courtship Women almost never had any choice in who they married. The wife was expected to give a dowry or a gift to their husbands for marrying them. Children of landowning family's were expected to marry to increase their acreage. Some marriages where arranged even before the child was born. The law gave the husband full rights over the wife.
Committing Adultery in the Renaissance Punishment by fire was a common punishment “Scolds Bridle” –iron cage was a way oh “showing the cheater about” “dunking stool” very similar to the dunkers at the Renaissance Fair, they would drown her for committing adultery
a poet, actor and play writer. He entertained nobles writers do not put their name on their works Wife and three children Wrote 37 plays and 154 sonnets
“Othello” the Drama Importance of Characters: Othello Portrayed as a strong soldier who is respected by white men Desdemona Portrayed as a strong, independent woman who will marry out of her race