Business Correspondence LEA3 Dr. Nina Sanassian
Why do we write? Is writing important? Why? Do you agree/disagree with: “Ideas matter, not writing!”
Which brief message impress you the most? Message 1 “In the business climate as it exists at this point in time, one might be justified in having the expectation that the recruitment and retention of new employees would be facilitated by the economic woes of the current job market. However, a number of entrepreneurial business people have discovered that it is no small accomplishment to add to their staff people who will contribute to their bottom line in a positive, beneficial way.”*
Message 2 “In this job market, you might think that hiring productive new employees would be easy. But many entrepreneurs still struggle to find good people.”*
Which brief message impress you the most? Message 1 “The idea of compensating a celebrity who routinely uses social media to the tune of thousands of dollars to promote one’s company by tweeting about it may strike one as unorthodox, to say the least. But the number of business appropriating and expending funds for such activities year on year as a means of promotion is very much on the rise.”*
Message 2 “Paying a celebrity thousands of dollars to promote your company in 140-character tweets may seem crazy. But more and more businesses are doing just that.”*
Acknowledgement * Garner, B. A. (2012). HBR Guide to Better Business Writing, Boston, MA, Harvard Business Review Press.