WP4 – Teacher Development PT partner – Ida Brandão
SENnet Project – WP4 goals Teacher competence development To develop awareness and competences To enable teachers, school leaders and school community to promote and practice inclusion
SENnet Project – WP4 outcomes To produce a series of online learning modules easily translated and adaptable to national contexts Online course «Inclusion and Accessing Technology»
Why online modules? Leverage: minimal effort and maximal outcome You can adapt –Add new items –Feedback of participants
Workshop Online module Participants Limited number Limited in time Unlimited number Unlimited in time InfoInfo 50-70% ?-100% InfoInfo feedbackfeedback feedbackfeedback InfoInfo Colleagues 50-70% InfoInfo Colleagues Stimulation
Common version for adaptation to national context Developed in 2012, Moodle Platform Course guideline 5 topics: Inclusion of SEN Pupils in Mainstream Schools Instructional Accomodations and Modifications Universal Design for Learning Assistive Technology Web Accessibilities ENGLISH VERSION Online Course/Modules
ENGLISH VERSION Online Course/Modules
Adaptation from english version – translation, replacement of certain resources by national ones, production of screencasts and presentations Developed in 2012, Moodle Platform Tutor based: 2 facilitators Opened to SEN teachers (in mainstream schools) Tested between Oct-Dec Formative assessment, peer-review, eportfolios 23 teachers were certified based on individual eportfolios Course evaluation: discussion in forum and online questionnaire PORTUGUESE VERSION Online Course/Modules
Different platform every country? Cultural Integration in existing platforms Means Test phase
PORTUGUESE VERSION Online Course/Modules
Adaptation from english version – translation, replacement of certain resources by national ones Developed in 2012, Koolielu Platform Tutor based: 1 tutor Opened to mainstream teachers Tested in Jan-Feb teachers concluded Course evaluation: online questionnaire ESTONIAN VERSION Online Course/Modules
ESTONIAN VERSION Online Course/Modules
Adaptation from english version – translation, replacement of certain resources by national ones, contents structured in Moodle books Developed in 2012, Moodle Platform Self-study, standalone approach Opened to SEN and other teachers Tested between Jan-Mar 2013 Validation by questionnaire AUSTRIAN VERSION Online Course/Modules
AUSTRIAN VERSION Online Course/Modules
Adaptation from english version – translation, replacement of certain resources by national ones Developed in Handitecno site Self-study, standalone approach Opened to mainstream teachers Tested in May 2013 Validation by questionnaire ITALIAN VERSION Online Course/Modules
ITALIAN VERSION Online Course/Modules
Adaptation from english version – translation, replacement of certain resources by national ones To be developed in Website and Facebook group Use of the casestudies and For now:Use Learning resources collected within SENnet Self-study, standalone approach Target public: mainstream teachers and staff To be validated BELGIUM VERSION Online Course/Modules
Development of OER Module In 2013 an OER topic was added to the english online course and an OER module was also developed in UDUTU Platform
OER Module in UDUTU
Accessible OER Portuguese Version An independent OER module was organized in Moodle Platform to be tested in Nov-Dec 2013 by a group of mainstream teachers from different subjects, dealing with pupils with SEN.
Accessible OER Portuguese Version
Screencasts on OER Module OER module in english OER module in portuguese
More screencasts in SENnet Website