| 1 Customer Expectations Data and Data Access Terminology Transfer Idea Refinement Session 10: User Needs & Engagement
User Needs & Market Research Demographics is the characterization of a population based on factors such as age, race, sex, economic status, level of education, income level and employment, among others. Demographics | 2 Psychographics is the study and grouping of people according to their attitudes and tastes. Psychographics Technographics is the categorization of consumers based on their ownership, attitudes toward, and use patterns of information, communication and entertainment technologies. Technographics Users, Behaviors, Preferences Characterizations examine and describe key aspects of generalized user groups and user types as a way to segment sub-groups of users with specific motivations.
technographics preferences consumer information perceptions attitudes satisfaction factors familiarity with Earth observations aversion to new information sources disposition to technology expected level of service and support existing value chains trusted sources psychographics lifestyle user traits | 3 Users & Market Studies Users, Behaviors, Preferences
Terminology Transfer in Interdisciplinary Work Economics & Policy Analysis »Marginal Cost »Shadow Price »Discount Rate »Contingent Valuation »Cobb Douglas Function »Revealed Preference »Marginal Utility »Price Elasticity »Net Present Value Earth Science, Remote Sensing, GIS »Spectroradiometer »Synthetic Aperture Radar »Normalized Difference Vegetation Index »Nearest Neighbor »Supervised Classification »Passive Microwave »Backscatter »Orthorectification »Data Assimilation Terms shared by both (though meanings may differ) »Productivity» Kriging Bridging Communities | 4
Three E’s | 5 Brooks, BAMS June 2013 Communication Integrity Adaptiveness Focus Cohesion Reward Tolerance of failure/ambiguity Hands-on Management Intellectual Property Engagement Approaches to connect with current and potential orgs. and potential users as well as with Earth scientists who may be interested and skilled in applications. Understand key needs and user preferences, garner ideas, identify partners/users and ways to work with different ones. Engagement Entrepreneurism Evaluation
Idea Generation & Refinement | 6 TSA’s IdeaFactory: Employees post ideas related to program-specific categories, participate in agency-wide challenges, and provide feedback on specific topics chosen by senior leadership sponsors. A Web-based tool that empowers all TSA employees to: »Submit ideas. »Provide comments on how to improve new concepts. »Rate ideas that should be recommended for implementation
Engagement Approaches to connect with current and potential orgs. and potential users as well as with Earth scientists who may be interested and skilled in applications. Understand key needs and user preferences, garner ideas, identify partners/users and ways to work with different ones. Entrepreneurism Novel ways to implement the Program’s strategy. Creative approaches on data access, generating ideas, brokering connections, funding projects, using social media, using challenges and rewards, harvesting results, telling user stories, etc. Evaluation Approaches to assess performance at all levels of the Program as well as means to identify and communicate achievements. Novel approaches to improve project and operational performance, refine logic model and metrics, and convey results. Themes: Three E’s | 7