Powderwood Homeowners Association Balance Sheet As of December 2015
Powderwood Homeowners Association Budget Comparison As of December 2015
Budget Comparison Page 2
Budget Comparison Page 3
Budget Comparsion Page 4
Powderwood Homeowners Association 2016 Proposed Budget
2016 Proposed Budget page 2
2016 Proposed Budget page 3
Powderwood Homeowners Association Operational Expenses
Powderwood Homeowners Association Reserve Expenses
Powderwood Homeowners Association Balance Sheet as of March 2016
East side of building 4 along 2200 West Broken 6” culinary line $7, One half of this payment was withheld from Kimball Landscaping final payment. West side building 4 driveway – Remove and replace 4” gate valve $9, While replacing a second leak showed up in the driveway and needed to replace a second 4” gate valve $9, Hydro Jetted sewer drain lines $6, Powderwood Homeowners Association 2015 Accomplishments Plumbing
Electric Air Compressor, Oil, Pads (3) $2, January - Pipe leak in Storage Building #13 $1, May – Replace 4” dry valve at Clubhouse $3, August – Pipe leak Unit 3P $1, In 2014 we made repairs to the fire sprinkler alarm system. Total cost was $21, the down payment was $4, and monthly payments of $539.50, we will be done making payments in August $6, is the total of monthly payments for Powderwood Homeowners Association Fire Sprinkler Expense
September – Fire in Building 3 Fire started in unit 3B. Owner was doing repairs spraying foam sealant into cracks in the utility room. What ignited the foam gas was static electricity from his shoes against the carpet. The units affected were 3B, 3D, 3F, 3H, 3J, Total Cost of fire $55, Traveler’s Insurance payments 2015 $24, Traveler’s Insurance payments 2016 $9, Fire Expense
Fire Sprinkler Expense Page 3
Pool plumbing upgrades $1, New pool furniture $1, New pool cover $5, Powderwood Homeowners Association Pool Expense
Asphalt replacement $116, Water intrusion from siding Bldgs. 8 & 11 resealed sections of the building envelope $16, Received rebate check from Comcast for $28, This money is in line Powderwood Homeowners Association Misc. Expense
January 2015 credit of $6, was paid by previous management company payment back from vendor Chimney caps buildings 6, 7, 10, and 12 $2, Roof repair building 2 $2, Powderwood Homeowners Association Roof Repairs
There are currently 2 board members seats up for election 2016 Brantley Eason and Gene Lenz 2017 Maire Rosol 2018 Chuck Schell and Marian Blaser Please remember that if you are on the board you must attend all meetings BOARD ELECTIONS
Property Management Systems, Inc. (801) Joe Holland Property Manager powderwood.net Thank You