Fossil Fuels ch. 19 Oil, Coal, Natural gas How long are each expected to last Location of major reservoirs Major pros and cons of each type What are the major environmental advantages and/or hazards? What are the major human health issues?
Carbon dioxide emissions per unit of energy produced
Fossil Fuels: Hydrocarbons Coal: black solid, carbon rings Oil: liquid, long hydrocarbon chains Natural Gas: 1C to 3C so light, it’s a gas!
Sample structure of coal
gres?imgurl= l%2520fuels/reserves.jpg&i mgrefurl= u/las/physci/GS361/Fossil% 2520fuels/Coal.htm&usg=__ zzyvzJPvHObaEcZgVPLyX YevNZw=&h=323&w=641&s z=64&hl=en&start=2&tbnid= _pxa94J8QiZlMM:&tbnh=69 &tbnw=137&prev=/images% 3Fq%3Dcoal%2Bdeposits% 2Bin%2BUS%26gbv%3D2 %26hl%3Den%26sa%3DG CBS News ride into a mine: jrbCi7Sc&feature=related
Coal as energy source
Finding Oil: Seismic Surveying
Extraction of Oil
Proportions after refining
Inflation adjusted price of oil
Conventional Oil as energy source
Non-conventional Oil (not in a liquid form that can be drilled and pumped) 1.Oil Shale: US has largest supply 2.Tar Sands: Canada has largest supply
Oil Shale
W0Gxe4http:// W0Gxe4 National Oil Shale Association video on methods of extraction and amounts in US (start at 4 min) 75% of world’s oil shale in US ½ of that in Green River Formation (2 ½ trillion barrels, over double the oil in Saudi Arabia). Majority of US oil shale is on federal lands, requires federal agreement to develop. In situ and ex situ extraction.
Before and after tar sands mining in Alberta, Canada
Keystone XL Pipeline from Alberta’s Tar Sands to Houston Texas
kwoRivP17Ahttp:// kwoRivP17A Canadian tar sands as the largest industrial project on the face of the earth, affecting land area the size of Florida and England.
Oil shale and tar sand as energy sources
Natural Gas
Conventional natural gas as energy source
s_Shale_Gas_Drilling/bl og/video_fracking_hellth e_true_cost_of_america s_gas_rush.html?cons_i d=&ts= &sig nature=9a0fff3a4d583b 28d1d6a7e14765dd15 s_Shale_Gas_Drilling/bl og/video_fracking_hellth e_true_cost_of_america s_gas_rush.html?cons_i d=&ts= &sig nature=9a0fff3a4d583b 28d1d6a7e14765dd15 video g/blog/video_fracking_hellthe_true_cost_of_americas_gas_rush.html ?cons_id=&ts= &signature=9a0fff3a4d583b28d1d6a7e1 4765dd15 g/blog/video_fracking_hellthe_true_cost_of_americas_gas_rush.html ?cons_id=&ts= &signature=9a0fff3a4d583b28d1d6a7e1 4765dd15 video
Energy Use and Conservation
Electrical generation from coal (power plant)
Simple Generator
Coal powered Power Plant
Nuclear Power
Nuclear Power Generating Plant
Nuclear Power