This is the pilot year for our standards based grading system in science. Instead of traditional number grades, students will be receiving a grade of 1-4 for each science standard that an assignment addresses. Therefore, students may receive one grade or several grades on any given assignment. The Assessment scale is as follows: 4- Mastery with distinction: “I know something well enough to make connections that weren’t taught. I can apply these concepts to a different situation or teach them to another person.” 3- Mastery: “I know everything that was taught without making mistakes. I know what I should know as a science student.” 2- Working towards Mastery: “I know all the easy parts but I don’t know the harder parts. I am trying but I am still confused about some concepts.” 1- Below Mastery, Unsatisfactory: “I don’t know a majority of the work, or with help I know some of what was taught.” Students receiving a 1 or 2 will be asked to revise their work. Students receiving a 3 may revise their work if they feel they did not show all of what they know. The standards will be posted on the source for your reference at the beginning of each unit. Report cards will still show the traditional letter grades. The percentages do not match with the typical percentages/ letter grades because of our new 1 to 4 grading system. The 1-4 grade/ letter grade/ Percentage conversion will be as follows: 3.25 – 4.0 = A =minimum 81.3% 3.0 – 3.49 = B= minimum 75% 2.5 – 2.99 = C= minimum 62.5% 2.0 – 2.49 = D= minimum 50% 0.0 – 1.99 = E= minimum 0%
“I know (can do) something well enough to make connections that weren’t taught. I can apply these concepts to a different situation or teach them to another person.” Assignments are handed in on time with all questions answered and a high level of effort is clearly demonstrated.
“I know (can do) everything that was taught without making mistakes. I know what I should know as a science student.” Assignments are handed in on time with an attempt made at each question.
“I know (can do) all the easy parts, but I don’t know (can’t do) the harder parts. I am trying, but am still confused about some concepts.” Assignments are turned in shortly after the due date or are turned in on time, but are not complete and demonstrate a lack of effort.
“I don’t know (can’t do) a majority of the work or with help I know (can do) some of what was taught.” Assignments are not completed and demonstrate a clear lack in effort or are handed in significantly late.
0The following are the major learning targets I expect you to meet during Physics. You will be assessed on a 1 to 4 scale as shown below Revision and reflection are greatly encouraged! #Description 1Apply scientific inquiry – collect, analyze, and utilize data to reach conclusions 2Writing: grammar, spelling, organization 3Application of mission to real world 4Effort, Work habits, and Timeliness 5Reflection and Self Evaluation 6Observe and describe 7Explain the rock cycle and characteristics of metamorphic, igneous, and sedimentary rock. ES28 8Know that sedimentary rocks are in layers and provide evidence of geologic history which is seen in fossil evidence. ES3B 9Explain how landforms are created by weathering and erosion. ES2G 10Understand the layers of the atmosphere and that it is a mixture of various gases, including water vapor. ES2A 11Understand the water cycle, how clouds form and precipitation occurs. ES2C 12Explain that the sun is a source of energy and responsible for winds, ocean currents, and the water cycle. ES2C 13Understand the layers of the Earth, mantle, core, and crust. ES2E 14Explain how crustal plates move by convection causing earthquakes, volcanoes, and mountains. ES2F 15Understand the land shaping properties of earthquakes, volcanoes, glaciers, floods, storms, and tsunamis.ES3D