The development of Benidorm and Blackpool as a tourist resorts LO: To be able to apply the Resort life cycle model (Butler) to a tourist resort- case study Benidorm and Blackpool
Starter: recap from last lesson Which picture would you link to each stage and why?????
Location of Benidorm
Benidorm today. Watch this video clip. List the attractions
The development of Benidorm as a tourist resort…. Using the information from the Edexcel textbook and Geog 3 page 108-109 create a time line showing the stages in the development of the resort and refer to which stage of the model this would be Annotate a butler models showing the dates and developments of the stages of development. Extension: Make sure you can explain how and why all of the changes have happened
Follow up questions: Apart form lack of space what could cause Benidorm to go into stage 5? (stagnation) Why are the length of Blackpool’s and Benidorm’s tourist season different? Exam question: 3 marks Describe the options faced by holiday resorts when they reach stagnation
6 Mark question: