The Netherlands’ Inspectorate of Education: Annette Roeters Rick Steur Gonnie van Amelsvoort
News, Changes, Innovations within the last 2-3 years 1. Task to maintain laws and regulations and sanctioning task 2. Risk based inspections implemented - preventive effects of risk-basedinspections 3. More attention to quality of teachers and school leaders 4. Better relationship between Ministry and inspectorate 5. Responsibility for financial supervision of schools 6. Effects of economic crisis and budget cuts 7. Big emphasis on student achievement 8. Co-operation with other national Inspectorates
Upcoming Innovations, Changes and Challenges 1.Reporting excellence of schools 2.More important role of Inspectorate in Higher Education 3.Integration of financial and quality inspection 4. Changes in Special Needs Education: mainsteaming, care obligation, smaller Special Needs schools 5. Reporting about the quality of the Education System 6. Inspection of school boards next to inspection of schools