Risk Based Inspection Programmes Richard Matheson South Wales F&RS
Risk Based Inspection IRMP Guidance Note 4 Community Fire Protection Planning and Management – A Guide for Fire and Rescue Authorities FSEC Toolkit Revised CFOA Fire Safety Guidance Notes and Audit Form
What is Risk? Risk Premises that represent the greatest risk to life in case of fire Level of risk Generic levels of risk Relative risk score New risk score Life risk
What is Risk? Relative risk level Relative risk score Relative life risk score Relative risk rating
What does it all mean? Who should we inspect? When should we inspect? Why should we inspect?
Graphic Equaliser
What do we have to do? Enforce the requirements of the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 How this is done depends on the requirements of the local F&RA
What is Important Relative risk score Relative risk band (V. Low – V. High) Compliance level (1 – 5) Building type Generic level of relative risk The risk of non-compliance
Which Premises? Those we know about Those we don’t know about Those we think we know about
Where are we going?