March 8, 2016 Presentation of Item CCW – Solid Waste Management Infrastructure Projects – Final Siting Report
Item CCW Solid Waste Management Infrastructure Projects – Final Siting Report Why build these facilities? Ontario experience Comprehensive siting process Preferred site Next steps
Building a Solution County spoke strongly about no new landfills alignment with provincial waste strategies and objectives right thing to do →committed to environmental leadership, securely managing our own waste, and enhancing diversion programs "the amount of organic waste available for processing in Ontario relative to the province's processing capacity is tight. If one facility encounters an issue that reduces its processing capacity, these wastes have little place to go.“ - Ontario Organic Waste Management Report,
Enhancing Services – Reaching Targets Solid Waste Management Strategy recommended development of Organics Processing Facility (OPF) and Materials Management Facility (MMF) address changing landscape and proposed legislation: Bill 151 – Waste-Free Ontario Act MMF cost savings operational efficiencies better control of future costs OPF local capacity to increase diversion secure processing and control costs produce compost or fertilizer for local use less impact on environment by shortening haulage distances
Industry-leading Experts introduction of GHD Limited unmatched expertise in the planning, siting, approvals, detailed design, engineering, contractor procurement and construction administration of organics processing facilities experience includes the City of Toronto’s Disco Road and Dufferin anaerobic digestion facilities, City of Guelph’s Organic Waste Processing Facility, and two-150,000 tonnes/year composting facilities in London and Ottawa
Ontario Experience innovation, waste legislation, greater focus on diversion over last 20 years joining other waste management leaders in Ontario, Canada, and internationally approximately 20 Source Separated Organics (organics processing) facilities in Ontario technologies vary between aerobic composting (windrows and in-vessel) and anaerobic digestion private, municipal, or jointly owned/operated
Comprehensive Process
Short-listed Sites
Screen 3 – Final Evaluation extensive consultation undertaken in fall 2015, reviewed more than 200 public and stakeholder comments on-site investigations for all short-listed sites, additional mapping with mitigation considered, determined net effects of each facility on each site, compared them against each other ranked each short-listed site for each option
One Site, One Solution. Site C136 – 2976 Horseshoe Valley Road West, Springwater, is being recommended as the preferred site for all three options – OPF, MMF, and co-located facility this County-owned site has distinct advantages to house: →transfer operations for garbage and recycling →on-site organics processing →truck servicing facilities →potential public education space
2976 Horseshoe Valley Road West, Springwater →transportation efficiencies →large site with good usable space →good buffer distances →scored high among all environmental criteria used to evaluate the 502 sites →cost savings and economic benefits Disclaimer – DRAFT Conceptual Design only. Actual facility design will be determined following technology selection, design, public input and future engineering/environmental studies.
Next Steps April 19 – Public Information Sessions environmental and engineering studies to confirm site conditions further consultation on Planning approvals process, terms of reference for Environmental Impact Statement initiate procurement process – additional public consultation release of Request for Proposal (RFP) for processing technology anticipated in early fall 2016 results of RFP and business case presented to County Council in early 2017