© Copyright Mistras Group Inc MISTRAS GROUP CONFIDENTIAL Noesis Noesis specializes in Acoustic Emission (AE) data analysis including real-time software feature extraction and data classification. I/O and Data Exchange: Import/Export of all PAC (DTA, TDA, WFS) AE data files and Text files. An internal document storing everything from data to Supervised training strategies. Export of graphs and data to any Windows application Interface: A unique interface with unlimited options: Creation of any layout with pages effortlessly including any combination of 2D and 3D plots, data tables, waveform plots, etc. Data Viewing: Supports of customizable and interactive 2D and 3D plots (scatter, density, line, bar, cumulative, etc). Data and statistics tables. Waveform plots. Interaction between plots (selection and linking). Data Handling: Data Selection with mouse or logical operations (enhancing the users insight). Complex Data Filtering graphically or from the data set. Data Projections based on covariance and correlation matrices. Data Sorting to any feature. Import external parametric files. Work with Time Driven Data. Waveform Feature Extraction (FX). Calculated Features (CF) using mathematical operations. Linear and Zonal Source Location with special Event Sequence feature. AE special functions. Advanced Acoustic Emission Data Analysis, Pattern Recognition & Neural Networks Software
© Copyright Mistras Group Inc MISTRAS GROUP CONFIDENTIAL Noesis Data Statistics: Min, Max, Mean, Skewness, Curtosis. Feature correlation matrices and dendrograms. Discrimination criteria for vector/feature statistics (Wilk's, Rij etc.) Class Statistics (cluster centers, distances etc.) Channel Statistics (min, max, total). Amplitude Distribution tables. Periodic statistics provide a means to monitor class evolution and other periodic features. at certain intervals. Advanced Acoustic Emission Data Analysis, Pattern Recognition & Neural Networks Software Unsupervised Pattern Recognition (UPR) : UPR Wizard with full information, suggestions and tools. Data pre-processing, normalizing, projection generation. Multiple UPR algorithms, including Neural Networks, for clustering data (Max-Min Distance, k-Means, LVQ Net etc). Supervised Pattern Recognition (SPR): PR Wizard. A complete "toolbox” for training SPR methods, with information and tools to complete an SPR training easily. Automatic unknown data pre-processing based on Noesis Script Log. Multiple SPR algorithms including Neural Networks (k-NNC, BP Net etc.). Interactive SPR algorithm training and testing modes. Data Classification during Acquisition (Live-SPR): A complete set of functions to read and classify data during acquisition. During Live-SPR the data can be manipulated (Change graphs, select data, get statistics etc.). Periodic Statistics is a set of Noesis functions for monitoring cluster evolution and other features at certain intervals. Waveforms / DSP: Single and Multiple waveforms plotting. Advanced waveform viewing including DSP Filters (fully customizable) and graphical filtering. 3D presentation of multiple waveforms or waveform FFTs. Digital Signal Processing on waveforms (Auto and cross correlation, RMS, FFT, Power Spectrum, Discrete and Continuous Wavelet, STFFT, Power Cepstrum).