1 St Andrew’s C of E Primary Proposed Activities Hour and extended day This information is also available on the school website
2 The proposal: 1.To introduce an Activities Hour four afternoons each week (Mondays to Thursdays) for every pupil from Year 1 to Year 6 2.An extension to the core school day by 30 minutes on Mondays to Thursdays to make this possible Proposed Activities Hour and extended day
3 The Activities Hour will include a wide range of activities in three areas: 1. Sports (2 activities per week for each child) A range of sports including: hockey, football, Rugby, rounders, golf, cricket, tennis, swimming, lacrosse, basketball 2. Outdoor Learning (1 activity per week for each child) A range of OL activities including: gardening, eco studies, teambuilding and leadership, orienteering 3. Arts Plus (1 activity per week for each child) A range of indoor activities including: music, drama, cookery, filmmaking, life skills Proposed Activities Hour and extended day
4 The Activities Hour programme will: Provide new experiences and opportunities for our pupils Provide more sports time and coaching Encourage the development of a range of important life skills Enable fuller use and development of our grounds for the educational benefit of all our children Benefit other areas of the curriculum ie orienteering on Geography and Maths, drama on Literacy, ecostudies on Science Foster strong leadership and teambuilding skills Proposed Activities Hour and extended day
5 Activities Hour will be an integral and vital part of the St Andrew’s core curriculum. Each activity will have a properly documented scheme of work, with areas to be covered and targets to be achieved. These activities will not replace practical activities elsewhere in the curriculum, they will be in addition to them. Arts Plus activities will not include fine art activities which are already well served in the curriculum. Children will continue to have music lessons as now, and opportunities for drama in class literacy, history etc as now.
6 93 Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Proposed Activities Hour and extended day Extending the day The current school day is from 9am to 3pm for all pupils
Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Proposed Activities Hour and extended day The proposal is that classroom teaching finishes each day at 2.30pm
8 Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Proposed Activities Hour and extended day 3.30 AH The Activities Hour will run from 2.30 to 3.30pm on Monday to Thursday
9 Mon Tues Wed Thurs FriCA 9 AH Proposed Activities Hour and extended day Friday will conclude for all pupils with a Celebration Assembly from 2.30 to 3pm* *This currently happens elsewhere in the day.
10 Years 5 and 6 will work together for Activities Hour, as will Years 3 and 4. Similarly Years 1 and 2 will be combined when they begin their Activities Hour programme in January. The two year groups will be combined and divided into five activity groups of approximately 20 children each. These activity groups will work together for the term. Activities will be organised in 4-week blocks, 3 blocks per term. Each activity will be lead by two staff. Proposed Activities Hour and extended day
11 A draft AH programme for Years 3-6 in the Autumn Term looks like this. Over the term each pupil will do a total of: 24 sessions of 4 different sports, 12 sessions of 3 different Arts Plus activities, 12 sessions of 3 different Outdoor Learning activities. A total of 48 activity sessions altogether.
12 Arrangements for the end of Activities Hour: Pick-up will be at 3.30pm prompt, and activities will end early enough to ensure this. Pupils will return to their form teachers and pick- up points for parents and carers will be as now. Parents and carers will be asked not to be on site until 3.25pm. Once the system embeds and pupils and staff get used to it the core activity time will get longer, as has been the experience with Read Write Inc. Proposed Activities Hour and extended day
13 Phased Introduction The Activities Hour will begin for every child in KS2 (Yrs 3- 6) in September (Activities will begin in Week 2. In week 1 form teachers will familiarise children with the site, meeting points and timetable.) It will begin for every child in KS1 (Yrs 1 and 2) in January KS1 pupils will have their own programme in September, meanwhile we will monitor progress of KS2 Activities Hour and that will help us create a bespoke age-appropriate KS1 programme and facilities. Proposed Activities Hour and extended day
14 Communications The weekly and termly activity schedules will be constantly updated and made widely available to pupils, parents and carers. This will include: on the school website in the Weekly Bulletin on a monitor screen in the redeveloped foyer in classrooms, allowing staff to go through with children Proposed Activities Hour and extended day
15 SPORTS ZONE OL ZONE The school site will be divided into a Sports Zone and an Outdoor Learning Zone
16 We have been awarded a grant of £20,000 from Cobham-based international company Cargill to fund the development of the Outdoor Learning Zone facilities. If the proposal goes ahead work will begin on the development of the OL Zone after half term. This will include the teambuilding course, kitchen gardens, polytunnel and eco area.
17 The Sports Zone will include: Four grass pitches Hardstanding playgrounds Swimming pool in summer term An adaptable cross-country course Proposed Activities Hour and extended day The Outdoor Learning (OL) Zone will include: An eco area Kitchen gardens A polytunnel Orienteering courses A Leadership & Teambuilding area
18 Indoors – Arts Plus facilities will include: Halls for drama and performance Music room Cookery room (new development for September) Classrooms for filming, lifeskills in Yrs 5/6* *For Yrs 5 and 6 one of the three Arts Plus units each term will be part of a lifeskills programme, topics to be covered including Money Matters and First Aid. Proposed Activities Hour and extended day
19 Staffing To provide 2 staff per activity group for Yrs 3 to 6 in September will require 20 staff each day. Teaching and Teaching Assistant staff are already committed to supporting the project, but to ensure sufficient staffing it is proposed to recruit staff from a variety of sources: Teachers TAs 6th formers Sports funding money From other schools From outside organisations Volunteers Parent volunteers Proposed Activities Hour and extended day
20 Development Co-ordinator Sports Area Leader Sports Team Outdoor Learning Area Leader OL Team Arts Plus Area Leader Arts PlusTeam Three Activity Hour Area Leaders will be appointed to have responsibility for overseeing and developing the activities and making best use of their staffing teams. A Development Co-ordinator will oversee the project until its launch in September.
21 Monitoring and assessment is an important part of any aspect of the school curriculum. Plans for pupil Activity Hour assessment include: 1. The provision of an Activities Hour booklet for every child. This will include: Space for pupil self-assessment at the conclusion of every four-week module Activity Leader assessment at the end of every four-week module Regular teacher monitoring of progress across activities 2. Documentation by the children themselves as an Arts Plus film activity. Proposed Activities Hour and extended day
22 May – appointment of OL and Arts Plus area leaders May-July – staffing arrangements, recruitment of volunteers, distribution of staff into three area teams May–August – Development of OL Zone, music room, cross-country and orienteering courses June – choose new school house July – allocate children to new house August – development of cookery classroom September – start of AH for Yrs 3-6 September–December – development of AH programme for Yrs 1 and 2 January 2014 – Start of AH for Yrs 1 and 2 Development timeline for the project: Proposed Activities Hour and extended day
23 How can parents and carers support the project? This is a big undertaking and if it is going to be a success it will need the support of the whole school community. Please put your questions, concerns and suggestions in the Suggestions Box in the foyer, or them to If the proposal goes ahead there will be a wide variety of opportunities to offer support and assistance between June and September in the preparation phase, and to volunteer as an activity team member from September. These will be posted in the Weekly Newsletter, on the website, and on the blue boards in the entrance foyer. Proposed Activities Hour and extended day