PGP Desktop (Client only) By: Courtney Wirtz & Vincent Verner
What is PGP PGP (Pretty Good Privacy) is a data encryption and decryption program that provides cryptographic privacy and authentication for data communication. PGP is often used for signing, encrypting and decrypting texts, s, files, directories and whole disk partitions to increase the security.
Why PGP? Early 90’s mobile computers provided easier communication, but less protection of sensitive data Easy, quick, enforced security, and cheaper than encryption policies Also keeps instant messages confidential (only for certain IM providers[AIM])
Additional PGP notes PGP comes in many different forms Endpoint Files and Management Sold worldwide ◦ There are software development kits where you customize certain elements to your business security regulations ◦ PGP command line lets you encrypt, decrypt, sign, and verify files on a server as part of batch file process or backup procedure
PGP Desktop encoding PGP encryption techniques: 1.Hashing 2.Data compression 3.Symmetric-key cryptography, 4.Public-key cryptography
PGP Corporation PGP Desktop is an easy-to-use desktop encryption application that secures information. PGP Desktop uses PGP encryption technology that has been “proven effective by millions of users, security experts, and organizations worldwide”
PGP Desktop PGP Desktop Home encrypts s without installing special plug-ins. You can customize encryption rules, including rules to encrypt based on recipient, subject header, and message content. All s can be digitally signed, and validated by the recipients private or custom encrypted key.
PGP Desktop (Continued) PGP desktop can run on either MAC or PC. PGP’s desktop also offers an easy-to-use interface that appeals to both new and experienced users Will initially be covering the PGP Zip tool. Additional tools will be covered after the tutorial.
Additional Tools Offered(In this version ) PGP Netshare- PGP Netshare offers comprehensive filesharing management PGP Messaging automatically encrypts, decrypts, digitally sighns, and verifies messages according to user-set policies. PGP Whole Disk offers non-stop encryption for an entire desktop, laptop, and removable disk, including temporary files and OS swap files.
Additional Tools Offered(In this version) PGP Zip creates secure, encrypted archives that can contain single or multiple files, even entire directories using state of the art compression. PGP Virtual Disk Transparently creates encrypted disk images whose contents are encrypted when not in use, preventing unauthorized access.
Downloading PGP Desktop (Client) ial/desktoptrial2.html ial/desktoptrial2.html 1. Agree to terms to reach the download links 2. Select your OS (Mac or Windows) 3. Save the zipped file to some folder on your computer
Installation (Windows) 1. There will be a zip folder within a zip folder when you go to access the file you just downloaded. Unzip each folder until you reach the inner folder (it will be marked as the inner zipped folder). 2. Once the inner folder is unzipped, select the executable file that corresponds to your processor type (32 bit or 64 bit) 3. Keep selecting next & restart your PC when prompted.
Configuration 1. Input initial organizational information(Name, organization, etc) 2. Input a public key (Known to the public) 3. Input a Private Key (Known only to user)
Licensing Information Input
Public Key input
Private Key Input Demo: new key & checking the keys status
Actual File Encryption Demonstration
More Tutorial Clarification Section B #2 Section D Note: Searching for existing keys Encrypting for non PGP users
Sources: esktop_pro/ esktop_pro/ esktop_pro/ esktop_pro/ ial/desktoptrial2.html ial/desktoptrial2.html