Teacher and Teaching B-D-A
Before Reading…students need to The mantra: “Activate prior knowledge and set a purpose for reading” Activating prior knowledge (schema theory): Call up relevant schema about The topic (what I already know?) The text (how is this text organized?) Use PK to make predictions Set a purpose: Motivation, questions, why am I reading?
During Reading…students need to Determine important concepts Make inferences Visualize the text Ask questions Monitor Analyze/critique Incubate—take time out to consider/reconsider Synthesize—pull ideas together
After Reading … students need to Organize and shape: Transform big ideas (how can I show what I know?) Reflect and revise (Publish—not always necessary)
Before Reading…teachers need to The mantra: “Activate prior knowledge and set a purpose for reading” Activating prior knowledge (schema theory): Help students call up relevant schema about The topic (what do students already know?) The text (how is this text organized?) Help students use PK to make predictions Help students set a purpose: Motivation, questions, why are students reading?
During Reading…teachers need to Help students: Determine important concepts Make inferences Visualize the text Ask questions Monitor Analyze/critique Incubate—take time out to consider/reconsider Synthesize—pull ideas together
After Reading … students need to Help students organize and shape their ideas: How can they transform big ideas to show what they know? Help student reflect on the reading Revise prior ideas Respond to reading (Publish—not always necessary)
Before Reading Instruction Preview the text Pre-teach vocabulary Discuss prior knowledge (activate) Teach knowledge necessary if no prior knowledge exists Set questions/help students generate questions that will be answered by the text
During Reading Instruction Use of discussion to focus on understanding important concepts, inferring, etc. Use of realia to help students understand difficult concepts Zoom in/zoom out from details to big ideas Graphic organizers—active tasks that keep students thinking and engaged T Charts Compare/contrast charts
After Reading Instruction Discussion From details/main idea to big idea How does that help us in life? Ways of “publishing”/demonstrating what we know Drama Diorama Writing/drawing Projects Responding to text Taking on the persona of a character Journal writing Creating text based on text read (stories, informational brochures, etc.)
Activities that Span BDA K-W-L Charts Story Impressions Anticipation Guides Graphic organizers
K-W-L Chart What I KNOWWhat I WANT to knowWhat I LEARNED
Anticipation Guide
Graphic Organizers Compare/Contrast Description Story Map Character Map Time line
Compare/Contrast Brian’s First ShelterBrian’s Second Shelter
Prediction Chart What I predict will happenWhat actually happened Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4
Feelings Chart Event #1 Describe the character at the beginning Describe the character at the end The character feels…
Character Web Brian CourageousStrongObservantSmart