Middle Ages in Europe is often called the Dark Ages because there was little or no cultural activity. Lasted from the fall of Rome in 476 A.D. to the 15 th century Feudalism – a social system whereby peasants worked the land and paid rent to the landowning nobles. For about 400 years there was no theatre. Medieval Theatre
In the 9 th century, the church introduced the trope, short dramatized scenes, into the mass. Easter and Nativity tableaus (frozen stage pictures) were given to help the illiterate congregation understand the service. Pantomimes developed, which soon gave way to dialogue. Stories were enacted by priests and choirboys. Small platforms called mansions were placed within the cathedral for performances.
Three types of plays were presented in the Middle Ages: Mystery plays – Bible stories re-enacted Miracle plays – enacting the lives of the saints Morality plays – stories teaching moral lessons Passion Play – depicted scenes from Jesus’s life In the 10 th century, a nun, Hrosvitha, wrote religious comedies. Cycles, series of short plays based on religious history, were performed on pageant wagons in Medieval England
Commedia dell’arte Developed from mimes and pantomimes Improvisations using song and dance Involving love and intrigue Stock characters: Harlequin, Columbine, Pantalone Actors wore half masks to delineate character First to allow women on stage since Indian drama Influenced the writings of Moliere Italian Theatre of the Renaissance
Focused of Drama Influenced by commedia dell’arte Three major playwrights Miguel de Cervantes Lope de Vega Calderon Spanish Theatre of the Renaissance