이화여자대학교 Combining Cooperative Learning And Peer Instruction In Introductory Computer Science (SIGCSE 2000 Proceedings) 002OFE03 비서교육전공 4 학기 황 정 희 J. D. Chase and Edward G.Okie Radford University
이화여자대학교 Contents Abstract Introduction CPSC 120 Study Sections and Comparison Period Peer Instruction Cooperative Learning Implementing the Strategies Results Conclusions Future Work
이화여자대학교 1. Introduction Radford University - Medium size, comprehensive university - offer the Bachelor of Science Program in computer Science in Computer Science Department CPSC120 - Principles of Computer Science I - The first course for computer science majors
이화여자대학교 1. Introduction(2) A high WDF rate(a grade of “D”or “F” or withdrawing from the course) Combination for two strategies Peer InstructionCooperative Learning Use of undergraduate student co-teachers Use of student peer groups
이화여자대학교 2. CPSC 120 Four credit hour course(3 Lecture, 2 lab) 30 students Introduction to the computer science major A disciplined, rigorous, systematic approach to the programming and problem solving process Programming assignments (Being required to submit 12 programs) Assessment 3 examinations (20% each)60% 6 programming assignments30% Quizzes and laboratory assignments 10%
이화여자대학교 3. Study Sections and Comparison Period The subject of this case study Two sections of CPSC 120 (Study section 1, Study section 2) in the Fall 1997 and Spring 1999 Comparison Period Three semesters, Spring 1996, Fall 1996 and Spring 1997 Ten sections of CPSC WDF rate : 56%
이화여자대학교 4. Peer Instruction UNIV 100 A freshmen orientation course An undergraduate peer instructor(PI) serves as a co-teacher Help plan, deliver course presentations, help administer the course, and hold office hour to respond to questions or concerns Retention rate improved
이화여자대학교 4. Peer Instruction * Model for using the peer instructors in CPSC 120 * Most of the PI’s were computer science major Only students who had successfully completed CPSC 120 Being assigned to a single section of CPSC 120 Three hours per week Not present material in lecture or lab Regular Meeting with his or her assigned co-teacher
이화여자대학교 5. Cooperative Learning Educational strategy that uses student peer groups Manipulating groups into planned cooperative learning environments which is relatively new and uncommon The result of previous work using Cooperative Learning suggests this method would improve the WDF rate and provide more benefit to female students.
이화여자대학교 6. Implementing the Strategies Goal More student time on task Higher level of commitment from students Reduced levels of student frustration Better and earlier, student understanding of topics Organization of class using peer instruction and cooperative learning
이화여자대학교 6. Implementing the Strategies(2) Orient the students to computer systems(I.e. Sun workstations and the UNIX operating system, and compilers) The peer instructor play a major role(more quick answer, more student accomplishment, reduced student frustration) Encourage students who understood a topic to help those that did not Use of active learning exercises(i.e. name games, team building exercises) to increase student familiarity and comfort with each other. The First Week
이화여자대학교 6. Implementing the Strategies(3) Divided into cooperative groups Lecture time to discuss groups roles The Second Week Forming groups 1. Each group became responsible for its members (to reduce frustration)
이화여자대학교 6. Implementing the Strategies 2. Introduction of new topics to the students - Brief lecture on each new topic, lecture and laboratory time for group task, individual assignments on the same topic Help of instructor and peer instructor Better and Earlier understanding of the topics
이화여자대학교 7. Results Students receiving “A” or “B” were nearly identical. Some students were moved from the WDF category to the “C” category. Figure 1. Comparison of percentage of students receiving each letter grade in study sections and in comparison period, grouped by grade category. Noticeable changes in both the WDF rate and the grade distributions A 24%, 23% point improvement each section
이화여자대학교 7. Results Students receiving a grade of “F” was reduced to roughly 3%. The difference between the two study sections is in the “D” AND “W” categories. The more positive impact on female students. Figure 2. Comparison of percentage of students receiving each letter grade in study sections and in comparison period
이화여자대학교 8. Conclusions The combination of peer instruction with cooperative learning can improve the success of students in an introductory computer science course These strategies have more impact on weaker students. Fewer students received a grade of “F”. Encouraged students to persist in the course. The combination of two strategies, cooperative learning and pee instruction, provided positive results for most students, especially female students in the course.
이화여자대학교 9. Future Work Be required to involve studying this larger set of data and refine the techniques used in cooperative learning and peer instruction to make these techniques even more effective.
이화여자대학교 Suggestion In the teaching environment of CSE, it is very important. that emphasizes small class sizes and close interaction with faculty. The participation in the computer club is a good way.