Mucous membranes –Conjunctiva –Respiratory –Gastrointestinal tract –Urogenital Skin –Abrasions or bite Parenteral –Puncture or injection Portals of Entry
Portal of Exit
Stages of Release of Microbes
Pattern of Transmission
Sneeze and Microbe Spread
How Did the Pathogen Leave the Host? Active escape: Movement of pathogen to portal of exit Movement of pathogen to portal of exit Passive escape: Excretion in feces, urine, droplets, saliva Excretion in feces, urine, droplets, saliva
Virulence and the Mode of Transmission Direct contact: Less virulent Vector-borne: Highly virulent in human host; relatively benign in vector Greater ability to survive outside host: More virulent
Reduce or eliminate source or reservoir Isolation of cases and carriers Destruction of animal reservoir Treatment of sewage Therapy that reduces or eliminates infectivity of cases
Break Connection Between Source and Susceptible Individuals Chlorination of water Pasteurization of milk Inspection of food and food handlers Destruction of insect vectors