Fact and Opinion in Advertising
A fact is a statement that can be proven through the use of evidence. An opinion is someone’s view, or belief, or way of thinking about something
Opinionative Advertising Many companies use persuasive advertising to get us to buy their product. At times they will make their product look extremely good or useful for us. Can you think of some advertising tricks that they may use…?
Your Turn! Over the next few slides you will be shown some advertising from various companies and organisations. Try to determine whether they are factual advertisements or opinionative advertisements. LOOK CAREFULLY!!! In your Literacy book you should have set up a table reviewing the facts and opinions you see in the following advertisements. Your table should look like the one below. You should be able to INFER at least two facts and two opinions for each advertisement. AdFactsOpinions
Ad 1
Ad 2
Ad 3
Ad 4
Ad 5