1 MTAC WORKGROUP #111 MTAC GENERAL SESSION PRESENTATION August 2, 2007 Presented By Cher Rupp-Ruggeri Steve Colella
2 Workgroup Issue Statement Identify gaps, define solutions, highlight benefits, and improve education and communications to promote PostalOne! usage by Mail Service Providers, such as but not limited to lettershops, presort bureaus, fulfillment companies, and consolidators.
3 Meetings October 31, 2006 First Meeting January 5, 2007 Telecom January 19, 2007 Telecom February 2, 2007 Telecom February 20, 2007 Meeting May 11, 2007 Telecom June 28, 2007 Telecom July 13, 2007 Telecom July 20, 2007 Telecom
4 Barriers Identified 1.Postage Statements without USPS ‘Round Stamp’ – Addressed Feel this is temporary culture. More companies accepting electronic statements. Will need more education of industry as we more forward.
5 Postage Statements Must Show Status – “Preliminary” or “Final” 2.Electronic postage statements must indicate status...either Preliminary or Final Modification of the postage statement to display “Preliminary” or “Final” Status in PostalOne! Release 14.0.
6 Encoded to Prevent Fraud 3. Postage statements must be encoded to prevent fraud. Audit Bureaus are currently using postage statements from PostalOne!. Mail owners should be encouraged to gain access to PostalOne! and review their transactions at their leisure.
7 Courtesy Pallets 4.Mail preparers want to be able to track pallets having as little as 200 pieces or 50 pounds of mail. Customer Support Ruling: PS-327 created: When a mailer is transporting less than 12 linear feet of trays or fewer than 100 pounds of sacks within a mailing to a destination BMC/ASF, ADC, or SCF, the mailer may place this mail on a low volume BMC/ASF, ADC, or SCF pallet respectively provided the mailer prints and attaches an appropriate barcoded pallet label to each such pallet. This provision also applies to the last Mixed BMC or Mixed ADC pallet within a mailing if it contains less than the minimum required volume as long as all more finely presorted pallets have been prepared..
8 Spoilage 5.Currently spoilage has to be accounted for down to the piece in a particular bundle. PostalOne! Release 14.0 (scheduled for late 2007/early 2008) will use the Mail.dat ® Postage Adjustment Record (PAR) for spoilage count. Spoilage postage will be deducted from the lowest discounted rate
9 Application Process 6.Application process for Web Services and Mail.dat is cumbersome. Additional training has been provided to the PostalOne! Help Desk. Additional staff is being hired. We have trained and communicated the processes to our field employees.
10 Application Process USPS has also developed “The of Electronic Postage Documentation” for both internal and external users. The external user version is located at:
11 What the USPS asked for from the group... Software vendor capability matrix -- subgroup has been created to work on this with NCSC Presently draft copy of matrix is being circulated through workgroup. Final matrix expected shortly
12 What the USPS asked for from the group... Best Practices for letter shops – group doesn’t have enough experience yet to create Best Practices document
13 What the USPS asked for from the group... Software certification process – Present plans are move this issue to new workgroup.
14 Other Issues Identify and promote benefits of PostalOne! among Mail Service Providers and Mail Owners. Improve education and communications about PostalOne! among Mail Service Providers and Mail Owners.
15 Other Issues Workgroup #111 will end after completion of the Software Capability Matrix and after writing final conclusions. Draft of both now circulating through group The two benefit issues and software certification is now under consideration
16 Inquiry Questions Dialog Discussion Dialog Investigate Interview Questions? Ask Query Ask Inquiry Probe Inquiry Examination Interrogation Discussion Query