The Nokesville School Grades 6-8 School Counseling Standards presented by Anaid Shaver Professional School Counselor
Grade 6 Academic Standard 6A.1: Explain the unique skills needed at the middle school level to function effectively in groups and to review and apply group participation skills that impact positively on learning.
Grade 6 Academic Standards 6A.2: Utilize the decision-making process in resolving problems that interfere with learning.
Grade 6 Academic Standard 6A.3: Discover and incorporate study strategies consistent with learning style.
Grade 6 Academic Standard 6A.4: Identify and apply time management and organizational skills to middle school tasks.
Grade 6 Academic Standard 6A.5: Identify and utilize test-taking skills appropriate for middle school.
Grade 6 Academic Standard 6A.6: Describe how participation in extracurricular activities can enhance educational and personal growth.
Grade 6 Academic Standard 6A.7: Apply knowledge and learning styles to positively influence school performance.
Grade 6 Career Standard 6C.1: Recognize that occupations and work and life situations are interrelated.
Grade 6 Career Standard 6C.2: Relate identified skills, abilities, and interests to future careers and life situations.
Grade 6 Career Standard 6C.3: Analyze the relationship between a positive outlook regarding education/work and enhanced potential and increased productivity.
Grade 6 Career Standard 6C.4: Develop positive work ethic standards to include task oriented work, attendance, cooperation, and recognizing the dignity of work.
Grade 6 Personal/Social Standard 6P.1: Set relevant and achievable short-term and long-term goals.
Grade 6 Personal/Social Standard 6P.2: Recognize bullying behaviors and identify resource people in school and how to seek their help.
Grade 6 Personal/Social Standard 6P.3: Recognize that one experiences a wide variety of feelings.
Grade 6 personal/Social Standard 6P.4: Describe how verbal and non-verbal behavior influences interpersonal relationships.
Grade 6 Personal/Social Standard 6P.5: Recognize, accept, and appreciate ethnic and cultural diversity.
Grade 6 Personal/Social Standard 6P.6: Differentiate between situations requiring peer support and situations requiring adult professional help.
Grade 6 Personal/Social Standard 6P.7: Identify resource people in the school and community, and know how to seek their help.
Grade 7 Academic Standards 7A.1: Identify which technological and other resources could best be utilized to solve a problem.
Grade 7 Academic Standards 7A.2: Identify and utilize test-taking skills appropriate for middle school.
Grade 7 Academic Standards 7A.3: Recognize the relationship between learning and personal effort.
Grade 7 Academic Standards 7A.4: Explain the relevance of learning to one’s life.
Grade 7 Academic Standards 7A.5: Apply knowledge and learning styles to positively influence school performance.
Grade 7 Career Standards 7C.1: Critique how career selection is influenced by abilities, interests, and skills.
Grade 7 Career Standards 7C.2: Use technology and other available resources for researching career/education training opportunities.
Grade 7 Career Standards 7C.3: Explore tentative career goals.
Grade 7 Personal/Social Standards 7P.1: Demonstrate responsible behaviors that support personal safety, well-being, and compliance with PWCPS Code of Behavior.
Grade 7 Personal/Social Standards 7P.2: Communicate thoughts, feelings, and needs in a positive manner.
Grade 7 Personal/Social Standards 7P.3: Assume personal responsibility for respecting differing opinions and working cooperatively with others.
Grade 7 Personal/Social Standards 7P.4: Demonstrate the skills necessary to interact effectively.
7P.5: Apply critical thinking skills to analyze and evaluate potential solutions to interpersonal problems. Grade 7 Personal/Social Standards
7P.6: Explain why peer groups are important. Grade 7 Personal/Social Standards
7P.7: Describe ways a peer can help when someone is in crisis. Grade 7 Personal/Social Standards
7P.8: Demonstrate effective group participation. Grade 7 Personal/Social Standards
7P.9: Conclude that feelings influence decisions and affect actions. Grade 7 Personal/Social Standards
7P.10: Apply the steps in the decision- making/problem-solving process. Grade 7 Personal/Social Standards
7P.11: Define and identify forms of harassment and identify resource people in school and how to seek their help. Grade 7 Personal/Social Standards
7P.12: Understand the emotional and physical dangers of substance use and abuse. Grade 7 Personal/Social Standards
7P.13: Recognize, accept, and appreciate ethnic and cultural diversity. Grade 7 Personal/Social Standards
Grade 8 Academic Standards 8A.1: Identify and utilize test-taking skills appropriate for middle school.
Grade 8 Academic Standards 8A.2: Develop an understanding that the learning process occurs throughout the life span.
Grade 8 Academic Standards 8A.3: Understand effective organizational, time management and study skills appropriate for success in high school.
Grade 8 Academic Standards 8A.4: Understand high school graduation requirements.
Grade 8 Academic Standards 8A.5: Apply knowledge and learning styles to positively influence school performance.
Grade 8 Career Standards 8C.1: Explore and develop an understanding of the relationship between the variety and complexity of career pathways and course selection.
Grade 8 Career Standards 8C.2: Analyze the relationship of the basic skills learned in school and academic strengths to future goals and career options.
Grade 8 Career Standards 8C.3: Understand the importance of high school courses, program selection, and extra- curricular activities selection in relation to future academic and career options.
Grade 8 Career Standards 8C.4: Describe how future technological trends and career patterns affect life-long learning.
Grade 8 Career Standards 8C.5: Explain the influence of career choice upon work and life situations.
Grade 8 Career Standards 8C.6: Understand that behaviors such as punctuality, courtesy, proper dress and language, and hard work are essential to success in the job market.
Grade 8 Personal/Social Standards 8P.1: Develop the coping strategies necessary for successful transition to high school.
Grade 8 Personal/Social Standards 8P.2: Describe how peers’ expectations influence behavior.
Grade 8 Personal/Social Standards 8P.3: Demonstrate effective techniques to resist peer/group pressure.
Grade 8 Personal/Social Standards 8P.4: Demonstrate appropriate responses to ease a conflict situation.
Grade 8 Personal/Social Standards 8P.5: Recognize, accept, and appreciate ethnic and cultural diversity.