1.Discuss Population & Housing Elements goals and strategies 1.Review current goals and strategies 2.Discuss possible amendments or additions 2.Discuss Population & Housing Elements Action Plan items 1.Review current action plan items 2.Discuss possible amendments or additions 3.Comprehensive Plan Schedule Update GOALS FOR TODAY
The 2009 Comprehensive Plan goals were derived from various sources of stakeholder input, including the Town-wide Visioning Workshop, stakeholder interviews, and ongoing conversations with Town of Mount Pleasant staff and management. Many of the goals were adapted from the 2003 Comprehensive Plan. The goals provide the big picture direction for the development and implementation of the Comprehensive Plan. Strategies, incentives, and regulations are continuously updated and necessarily adapt to changing circumstances, but goals should endure and provide stability and direction over time. Town of Mount Pleasant Comprehensive Plan ,Introduction to Goals INTRODUCTION TO GOALS
1.Keep the Town of Mount Pleasant a place where families want to live. 2.Encourage a diverse and inclusive Mount Pleasant where people of all ages and backgrounds are welcomed and invited to participate in the community. 1.Ensure that the Town of Mount Pleasant can meet the needs of older residents. 2.Increase the attractiveness of the Mount Pleasant community to young adults by providing urban lifestyle options, educational opportunities, and cultural amenities. 3.Develop one or more destinations for tourism, business conventions, events, culture, and arts for Mount Pleasant to increase the attractiveness of the community for all ages. 4.Increase the community’s involvement in crime prevention efforts. REVIEW OF 2009 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN POPULATION ELEMENT GOALS
5.Guide annexation policy to promote efficient service provision, to foster an inclusive and diverse community, and to consider the strategic implications regarding the growth of other nearby municipalities. 6.Foster and support excellent educational and recreational opportunities and facilities for all ages. 7.Recognize the importance of the physical and cultural aspects of traditional African-American communities found in the planning area. 1.Coordinate with Charleston County on planning issues involving communities located in unincorporated areas. 2.Encourage the annexation of unincorporated communities to provide enhanced neighborhood services. REVIEW OF 2009 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN POPULATION ELEMENT GOALS
Increase the attractiveness of the Mount Pleasant community to young adults by providing urban lifestyle options, educational opportunities, and cultural amenities. Ensure that the Town of Mount Pleasant plans for and meets the needs of older residents. Review the Town’s marketing strategy annually. Continue to seek the annexation of unincorporated areas within the Mount Pleasant planning area. REVIEW OF 2009 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN POPULATION ELEMENT STRATEGIES
1.Provide a mix of housing types in a variety of price ranges, including rental housing options, to meet the needs of the wide range of Town residents and workforce and to promote Mount Pleasant as a lifelong community. 1.Provide greater housing options that promote universal design and aging in place to ensure residential options for the entire life-cycle. 2.Identify desirable locations for future housing development within the Town of Mount Pleasant, with a focus on locating workforce housing within walking distance of existing or planned center of employment and with a focus on locating senior housing near everyday services and medical facilities. REVIEW OF 2009 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN HOUSING ELEMENT GOALS
TARGET STRATEGY: Increase the number of workforce and life cycle housing units. Recognize the character of Mount Pleasant’s existing residential neighborhoods and communities. Increase residential densities in appropriate areas. Focus the development of higher density housing (condominiums and apartments) in the Core Redevelopment Corridors of Coleman, Johnnie Dodds, and Ben Sawyer Boulevards. Permit accessory dwelling units that adhere to appropriate design criteria. Rewrite the Town’s Traditional Neighborhood Development (TND) requirements. Promote employer-assisted housing programs. Promote housing options that provide universal design and foster aging in place to ensure residential options for the entire life cycle. REVIEW OF 2009 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN HOUSING ELEMENT STRATEGIES
REVIEW OF 2009 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN POPULATION & HOUSING ELEMENTS ACTION PLAN Note: The 2009 Comprehensive Plan did not include specific Action Plan items for the Population Element as most relevant items were addressed in other Elements of the Plan.
Strengthen goals and strategies related to the elderly/aging population and include appropriate tasks in action plan to support implementation. Incorporate age-in place language Incorporate language relative to the creation of a transitional zone (may consider for Land Use element). Incorporate references to our Annexation Plan in the goals and strategies related to annexation. Add an action plan item relating to the location of Workforce Housing. Revise the action plan item relating to Traditional Neighborhood Development regulations to apply to all PD regulations and move to the Land Use Element. Other Considerations CONSIDERATIONS FOR AMENDMENTS OR ADDITIONS
Meetings to Date: September 5, 2013 – Comprehensive Plan kick-off at the Meet & Greet October 17, 2013 – Initial meeting with Planning Commission November 7, 2013 – Annexation & Planning Area December 5, 2013 – Transportation Element January 9, 2014 – Natural & Cultural Resource Elements January 30, 2014 – Population & Housing Elements Future Scheduled Meetings: February 13, 2014 – Economics & Priority Investment Elements February 27, 2014 – Community Facilities Element March 13, 2014 – Land Use Element April 3, 2014 – TBD Meetings TBD: Public Meetings, Meetings to review final changes, PC/TC Public Hearing, review and adoption. Final adoption proposed for Fall 2014 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN SCHEDULE UPDATE