Welcome Welcome ‘Meet the Teacher’ How To Help Your Child In Year 3 Miss Beard and Mr Hopkins
Teachers and Teaching Assistants Class Teachers: Miss Beard and Mr Hopkins Teaching Assistants: Mrs Cropper, Mrs Parrish and Mrs Wolfenden
Maintaining routines – e.g. Dinner money in a labelled envelope handed in on a Monday morning Planners and reading books brought in daily Any reply slips handed in first thing in the morning PE kits ready for Friday’s lesson Home time routines – children go to the junior playground (Mr Hopkins’ class leave through the back fire door).
Encouraging children to: Enjoy school and play an active role in lessons Ask for help when needed Be aware of their targets and challenge themselves Work both independently and collaboratively Maintain good homework and home reading routines
Home–School Communication Working together Please make your child aware if there is a message in their planner Please let us know of any relevant concerns (out of character behaviour at home etc.)
Literacy & Numeracy Daily session ‘Cold task’ at start of unit followed by a ‘hot task’ at the end of a unit Targets – will be in planner at the start of a unit Talk for Writing and Big Maths Support at home - key for children’s progress
Homework Regular reading - individual and guided (comprehension of the story), 15+ minutes daily My Maths – set online when appropriate for unit Learning Log - 2 weeks to complete a double page. Open-ended task, using different presentation techniques. Set according to topic Spellings - no longer sent home, but practised daily
Rewards and Sanctions Positive behaviour encouraged at all times Children aware of their class rules Verbal praise, team points and raffle tickets Traffic lights – all children start the day on green Children aware of sanctions – losing minutes from playtime, going to another class or to Mrs Aston etc.
All children in Key Stage 2 are now learning French in school. Pupils are keen to practise and tell their parents about what they have learnt.
The Puncs A new whole-school approach to learning and using punctuation Thursday 3 rd October will be our ‘launch day’ when the children will get to meet the characters in person
Thank you for coming! Any questions?