Thornhill School News Issue 21 Fri 9 nd March CLASS3CLASS3 CLASS ONE CLASS TWO SCHOOLSCHOOL Tues- Gym competition KS1 Wed- Baking in KS1 (pm) Knitting club Thurs- Baking in KS2 (pm) Recorder club Fri- Cake and Drink Bingo afternoon at th March- Intergeneration Quiz with over 50s club 23 rd March - Sports Relief 28 th Mar- Bingo Night in School 30 th Mar- Easter Egg competition and end of term. Coming up! Attendance last week % getting there! Please keep this up – see back page for details. Home/School Agreement Your child was given a copy of our home/school agreement to take home last Tuesday. It is very important that you spend some time reading through this with your child(ren) and return a signed copy to school which will be held on file. A copy of this is also on our website: This week Mar Next Week th March Tues- Gym Club KS2 Wed- Mrs Figes meeting with Age UK/ Knitting club Thurs- Intergenerational Quiz all KS2/ Recorder club Fri- Sports Relief/ Youth Club Class 3 have had a weighing week- we have used balances and scales to solve problems linked to mass. These included calculating the cost of sending a parcel abroad and working out which chocolate bar gave the most chocolate per penny. In English we have looked at play-scripts and tried to decipher Shakespearean dialogue. Key Stage Two have also started a block of PSHE looking at Healthy Lifestyles. We discussed the reasons for eating a healthy breakfast every day. This week we have looked at recounts. We found out that a recount tells you about an event that has already happened. Miss Clark told us about going swimming. Her recount was in the correct order and used words called time connectives to join the sentences together. We listed the ones she used -first, next, then, after and last. Do you know where the Place Between is and what happens there? We have read a new text this week called Leon and the place between. We received an from Leon asking us to make some posters for the magic show so that more people would attend. When our posters are finished we will send them to Leon. Perhaps he will send us some photographs of them!
Head Lice… again! Please check your child’s hair for head lice or eggs in the evenings when they are getting ready for bed. This ensures that using wet combing and a nit comb, your child can be fit for school the following day. If your child has had several bouts of lice, it may be useful to buy a lice-removing product and keep it at home for emergencies. County guidelines suggest that having head lice is not a reason for keeping your child off school. Most remedies only take a short while to work or can be used overnight. Our school policy in the past has been to send infected children home when lice have been witnessed in order to limit the spread of infection. However this is no longer viewed as acceptable by county who want pupils to remain in school. It is imperative therefore, that we all do our bit to check for, and eliminate lice. Key Stage One Gymnastics We are pleased to announce that our school Key Stage One gymnastics teams have performed excellently in the Copeland small schools event. Our teams came first and second respectively and the team that came first are going through to the county final on the14th March. Well done to Mrs Temple and her wonderful team! Youth Club I wish to apologise for the cancellation of Youth Club last week. I was unavailable to lead the club since I was on a course at Broughton Craggs moreover Mrs Morfoot, who usually supports the youth club, was ill. Youth Club should be running again this week. Attendance Schools are under increasing pressure to maintain high levels of attendance. Our target has been set at 95%, a figure we have not yet reached. Pupils with poor attendance, miss vital learning experiences and are often performing less well than their peers. Moreover many children are on individual learning programmes that are disrupted when absences occur. You may have read in the local press that some schools are fining parents up to £100 for unauthorised absences, so this is obviously a local problem. Moreover the Government is planning to scrap the ability of the Head teacher to authorise up to two weeks absence ( often used for holidays) since they feel that this was being abused by parents. Please try your best to get your child to school every day, and on time. This will help the school to meet its targets within the authority. Exhibition of art work in Lowes Court Gallery, Egremont Our school have been invited to display some of our children’s art work in Lowes Court Gallery from 10 th March to 17 th April. Please try and call in and have a look.