Mrs Smith/ Mr Maidment / Mr Newman (Squirrels) Mr Burt / Mrs Webb / Ms Cooper (Owls) Mr Heaton / Mrs Meader (Otters) Miss Challands/ Miss Miller (Hedgehogs) Welcome to Year 2 Meet the teacher evening
Creativity and the Curriculum The key skills that we make explicit to the children through our teaching and their learning are: 1. Teamwork 2. Independence 3. Communication 4. Creativity 5. Thinking
Creativity and the Curriculum Topic based learning Real life outcome enthuses children Visitors and speakers New national curriculum
Writing genres Poetry Recounts Adventure story Persuasive writing Instructional writing Non-chronological report Creativity and the Curriculum - English New for Year 2 New standardised tests Cursive handwriting SPAG Spelling Punctuation And Grammar
Creativity and the Curriculum – Reading Group guided reading Individual reading Comprehension Dictionary work/games Independent reading Topic research and note taking ICT e.g. Phonics, research on the internet
Creativity and the Curriculum – Reading at Home This year we are trialling a new system – 3 books at a time. Remind your child to put it in the change box when all 3 have been read. No more than 15 minutes per night. Please give your child lots of praise for their efforts. Make a note in the reading link book each time you read and when you finish a book.
Home school reading link books To feedback on your child's reading and next steps and for you to keep us informed of how you are getting on at home. To send us messages To request a meeting Please refer to the new reading bookmarks and keep them in their book bags
Creativity and the Curriculum – Phonics Letters and Sounds Phonics Play Phonics screening check Phonics Children will continue to practise and apply their phonics for reading and writing throughout Year 2.
Creativity and the Curriculum - Maths Number and place value Addition & Subtraction Multiplication & Division Fractions Measurement Properties of shape Position and direction Statistics
Creativity and the Curriculum – New National Curriculum Assessment. Reading with an emphasis on comprehension. Writing SPAG Spelling Maths
Assessment and marking AFL Highlighting – ‘tickled pink’ and ‘green for growth’ Anything in a cloud means practise or learn this - tick system Self assessment hands All work is stamped – teacher assisted, teaching assistant or independent work Target sheets for Literacy and Numeracy End of Key Stage 1 Assessment In October we will your discuss your child’s targets and reading test results. In February we will give you your child’s new targets.
Homework... Home work sent home every Wednesday to be returned on Monday Maths challenges Spellings Topic work How long should homework take? What do we look for in the homework? Guidance is available to download from school website
Helping your child at home Useful ideas in the Year 2 Homework guide Lilliput Infant School Poole - Parent Guides These documents are available to download from the school website under curriculum Websites to access from home e.g. Education City, Purple Mash, Mathletics
Visits and visitors We will have lots of exciting topics in Year 2! For each topic the children will have a school trip or take part in a workshop led by a visitor to the school. We will keep you informed of our topics and what will be covered in school in the topic newsletter which is posted on the website.
Year 2 responsibilities School council Playground Buddies Sports Leaders Green Ambassadors Rota of jobs Reward systems Golden Time! Encouraging independence
Newsletters Outside office and on website Notice boards and windows Trip letters will be sent home Year group newsletters will be sent home at the start of every new topic
Notes Absence requests are accepted only in exceptional circumstances. Forms by office On-line payment system is our preferred method of payment. If sending in money - sealed envelopes, clearly marked with your child’s name Permission forms for trips Please let us know if your child is going home with someone else. Forms are in the office.
Drop in! You are always welcome to drop in and chat after school. Positive feedback is especially welcome. Parent helpers are always welcome especially if you already have DBS clearance. Any amount of help is greatly appreciated, please let us know if you have any regular spare time to give.
Thank you for your time!