The Midlands (or the Midland industrial region) represented the largest concentration of manufacturing industry. The characteristic industries of the West Midlands is metallurgy. The district around Birmingham is known as the “Black Country”. The characteristic industries of the West Midlands are metallurgy, machine-tool building, electrical engineering, and the car, carpets industries.
Birmingham Long famous as an international business centre. It is a city with over a million inhabitants. Birmingham is at the heart of Britain’s motorway system. The city possesses several interesting churches and two cathedrals. Birmingham has more canals than Venice. The city has excellent facilities for all kinds of sport. Birmingham City Hall The Historical Museum
Canal Families Do you know that there are more miles of canals in Birmingham than in Venice? Great Britain has many canals. Midland Canals
Stratford-on-Avon Stratford is quite a busy town, especially on market day when the farmers from the country-side round Stratford come to buy or sell cows or pigs or sheep. The Shakespeare Memorial Theatre is also in Stratford-on-Avon. Stratford-on-Avon is the place where the greatest dramatist and poet of the English literature William Shakespeare was born and died ( ). Stratford is a very interesting town in the centre of England. There are beautiful woods, green fields, a quiet gentle river.
Stratford-on-Avon Shakespeare's Memorial Canal in Stratford-on-Avon It is a church where Shakespeare’s grave situated. It is Shakespeare’s grave
WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE ( ) William Shakespeare, the greatest English poet and dramatist, was born on April 23, 1564 in Stratford- on-Avon, Warwickshire in England. The Shakespeare Memorial Theatre is also in Stratford-on-Avon.
Shakespeare`s Birthday Ceremony Every 23rd April is now a day of special pageantry in Stratford. The birthday always begins early in the morning with the ringing of the bells of Holy Trinity Church where Shakespeare is buried. Flags from many nations are unfurled, they are on all the shops and houses. Along the main street about 100 tall poles have been put up. Soon bugles are blown and then one after another a flag appears at the top of each pole. Each flag is of a different country. After seeing this ceremony many people go to see the house where Shakespeare was born. The house is still the same as it was when he lived in it. At night people go to the beautiful theatre by the side of the River Avon. Here they see one of his plays acted by some of the greatest actors in the country.
Treasure House for Students of the Plays Visitors to the little house in Henley Street now approach from the garden, having passed through the reception foyer of the modern Shakespeare Centre. The centre was opened in The library here is an amalgamation of the Trust's own rare books and those of the Royal Shakespeare Company. Here you'll find acting editions of the plays and other theatrical material in 70 languages. But the Shakespeare Centre sees its leading role as a teaching and study centre. Upstairs there is space for lectures and seminars. Shakespeare Centre
Nottinghamshire Nottinghamshire lies in the heart of England's East Midlands. The capital city of Nottingham is ancient. Its castle was founded by William the Conqueror in On the other hand, it is a very modern city of some 300,000 people. Nottinghamshire's prosperity comes from its varied industry.
Maypole The Maypole is an ancient fertility emblem belonging to the beginning of Summer, and it also represents a tree; In the darkness of the early morning, the young people went out on May Day and cut down a tall, young tree, lopped off most of its branches, leaving only a few at the top, and so brought it home, to be adorned with flowers and garlands, and to serve as-a centre for their dances. Most schools have them, on May Day, or on some convenient day during the month, and some villages maintain the old tradition
Stonehendge and Midsummer The huge slabs and uprights of stone at Stonehenge on Salisbury Plain in Wiltshire were somehow inched into position about four thousand years ago, in the Bronze Age. At one time, people thought that Stonehenge was a Druid temple. The Druids were a Celtic religious group who were suppressed in Great Britain soon after the Roman Conquest. It is also thought that the circle of stones was an immense temple in which to honour the sun god, and perhaps even to offer human sacrifice.
This prehistoric monument consists of two circles of huge stone blocks. Inside these are two groups of stones in the shape of a horseshoe. Scientists think that the early inhabitants of Britain were sun-worshippers; they thought of the sun as a god and they built Stonehenge in honour of that god.
Midsummer Midsummer was once one of the most popular highdays of the year, but gradually many of the customs connected with it have died out or been taken over by May Day, which is still celebrated in most countries of Europe.
Answer the following questions What part of England is known as the “Black country”? The district around Birmingham is known as the “Black Country”. How many people live in Birmingham? It is a city with over a million inhabitants. What is the characteristic industries of the West Midlands? The characteristic industries of the West Midlands is metallurgy. Birmingham has more canals than Venice. Which city has more canals than Venice? The Shakespeare Memorial Theatre is in Stratford-on-Avon. Where is situated the Shakespeare Memorial Theatre? The Maypole is an ancient fertility emblem belonging to the beginning of Summer. What is the Maypole?Describe Stonehenge. This prehistoric monument consists of two circles of huge stone blocks. Inside these are two groups of stones in the shape of a horseshoe.
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