Making Space for Water Risk Mapping: Coastal Erosion Tuesday 17th October 2006 Geoff Astle Senior Project Manager Environment Agency
Making Space for Water Initial Consultation Serious flood events in 1998 & 2000 highlighted need to develop comprehensive & integrated strategy for managing future flood and coastal erosion risks. On 29/7/04 Government launched the “Making Space for Water” (MSfW) consultation Consultation was to inform development of this new strategy Sought views on broad range of flood and coastal erosion risk management issues Initial consultation lasted until 1/11/2004
Making Space for Water Response In March 2005 Defra published the first Government response to the consultation It outlined how the new strategy was to be implemented over the next 20 years and beyond It recognised the fact that there was further work required to implement the detail of the new strategy. Acknowledged the need for continued consultation in order to assess options for the future. Result was a programme of work consisting of 25 projects divided into 4 themes
Making Space for Water Project Themes Holistic Approach to Managing Flood and Coastal Erosion Risk (HA) Achieving Sustainable Development (SD) Increasing Resilience to Flooding (RF) Funding (FD)
Making Space for Water “Holistic Approach” Theme HA1 – Environment Agency Strategic Overview HA2 – Urban Flood Risk and Integrated Drainage HA3 – Urban Flood Risk and the Transport Network HA4 – Risk Mapping HA5 – Groundwater Flooding HA6 – Catchment Scale Land-Use Management HA7 – Good Practice Land Management
Making Space for Water HA4 – Risk Mapping HA4a – Flooding from Other Sources HA4b – Coastal Erosion
Coastal Erosion (HA4b) Project Objectives Map the coastline susceptible to erosion and instability from natural processes Predict future coastline positions based on existing defences and management practices Consider ways in which both hazard and risk associated with coastal erosion can be generated for England Look at ways in which this can be graphically illustrated through mapping Develop policy, regulation, organisation responsibility and processes to support implementation of the above
Making Space for Water Setting up HA4b FD2324 R&D Project Commissioned by Defra “provide a procedure to enable coastal authorities with the means to better understand, appraise and quantify the coastal erosion risks they are obligated to manage.” Develop broad methodology & proof of concept tool Carry out trials
Making Space for Water Setting up HA4b FD2324 HA4b A national application of FD2324 England and Wales Continue to involve Halcrow Same project team Peer Review includes: Royal Haskoning Faber Maunsel End User Driven
Making Space for Water HA4b Project Breakdown Project Inception FD2324 trials completed Identified Best (not ideal) Data Sets Cliff top, cliff type, defences, historical erosion rates, assets Propose Technical Options User interface, deployment, storage, etc Scope User Requirements – Questionnaire
Making Space for Water HA4b Project Breakdown Project Inception Create Combined Database By March 2007, compile data: Futurecoast: Baseline cliff data CPSE Digitised Maps NFCDD Defence Data Other…
Making Space for Water HA4b Project Breakdown Project Inception Create Combined Database By mid February 2007: Data capture tools (web based) Map tools (web based) Automate FD2324 Internal testing of processes Develop Tools
Making Space for Water HA4b Project Breakdown Project Inception Create Combined Database By end of June 2007 First National Pass Beta (external) testing Finalise end user documentation Develop Tools Generate Results
Making Space for Water HA4b Project Breakdown Project Inception Create Combined Database By December 2007 Local Authorities to review and develop results During 2008 Look at Impact (Risk) as well as Hazard by considering asset data Develop Tools Generate Results Review
Making Space for Water
Techniques for Coastal DefencesTechniques for Recession 1. Engineering Judgement 2. Qualitative Assessment 3. Broad Numerical Analysis 4. Detailed Calculation of Failure 5. Probabilistic Models 1. Technical Judgement 2. Futurecoast Assessment 3. Site Specific Assessment 4. Single Rate Recession Method 5. Probabilistic Models
Making Space for Water Preferred Final Outputs Prediction bands 20, 50 and 100 years Variable scale
Making Space for Water Current Project Position: Establishing ‘baseline’ position (data and tools) Consulting with Local Authorities through Coastal Groups (England and Wales) Consulting with other Stakeholders (e.g. MOD, English Nature)
Making Space for Water Questions?