Contract: EIE/07/069/SI Duration: October 2007 – March 2010Version: July 8, 2009 EN ISO 13790, Energy performance of Buildings – Energy use for space heating and cooling Dick van Dijk TNO Built Environment and Geosciences, The Netherlands CENSE
slide 2 Outline The EU CENSE project Background Technical introduction CENSE: more information available; feed back needed! Extra slides with additional technical details
slide 3 The EU CENSE project (Oct March 2010) Aim of the project: To accelerate adoption and improved effectiveness of the EPBD related CEN- standards in the EU Member States These standards were successively published in the years and are being implemented or planned to be implemented in many EU Member States. However, the full implementation is not a trivial task Main project activities: A.To widely communicate role, status and content of these standards; to provide guidance on the implementation B.To collect comments and good practice examples from Member States aiming to remove obstacles C.To prepare recommendations to CEN for a “second generation” of standards on the integrated energy performance of buildings
slide 4 Brief introduction A brief introduction to the CENSE project and the CEN-EPBD standards is provided in a separate presentation:
slide 5 More information More information and downloads: Disclaimer: CENSE has received funding from the Community’s Intelligent Energy Europe programme under the contract EIE/07/069/SI The content of this presentation reflects the authors view. The author(s) and the European Commission are not liable for any use that may be made of the information contained therein. Moreover, because this is an interim result of the project: any conclusions are only preliminary and may change in the course of the project based on further feedback from the contributors, additional collected information and/or increased insight.
slide 6 Background Content: –Link to EPBD –History –European (CEN) versus ISO standards –Key data
slide 7 Link to EPBD Citation from the EPBD, recital (11): "The Commission intends further to develop standards such as EN 832 and prEN 13790, also including consideration of air- conditioning systems and lighting." DIRECTIVE 2002/91/EC OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 16 December 2002 on the energy performance of buildings
slide 8 History EN 832 (early ’90’s): Simplified method (seasonal or monthly “gain utilization factor”) Only energy use for heating Only residential buildings prEN ISO 13790:2002: Based on EN 832, but: Including non-residential buildings CEN CEN + ISO Result: EN ISO 13790:2004 EN ISO 13790:2008: Including energy use for cooling Including more choices in methods EPBD (Dec. 2002)
slide 9 European (CEN) versus ISO standards Typical route in case of CEN and ISO cooperation: –Development in working Group(s) of ISO and/or CEN –Parallel voting in CEN and ISO; if approved in CEN and ISO: EN ISO standard –Good example (EPBD related): ISO TC 163 “Thermal performance and energy use in the built environment”: Suite of standards on thermal properties of building products and materials (U-values, thermal bridges, etc.) Standards on climatic data Standards on calculation of building energy use
slide 10 EN ISO 13790, energy use for heating and cooling Key data: –Published in 2008 –Widely used in the EU Member States –One common methodology –But with options for national choice
slide 11 Technical introduction Content: –Scope and position in set of standards to support EPBD –Main structure –Calculation steps –Energy balance –Options for national choice
slide 12 Scope of EN ISO 13790:2008 For specified building boundaries and partitioning (calculation zones): Calculation of energy needs for heating and cooling –Including influence of recoverable system losses For residential and non-residential buildings For buildings at design stage and for existing buildings Energyuse Energyneeds Energyuse Energyneeds
slide 13 Position in set of standards to support the EPBD EN ISO is one of the key standards in the set of standards to support the EPBD Energy use EN ISO Energy needs Product characteristics Energy Performance
slide 14 Position in set of standards to support the EPBD (more detailed) Building H+C needs EN ISO H+C+V+W+L Primary energy EN H+C System performance EN 15316, EN 15243,.. Building, components, climate details Various EN’s interactions Energy performance EN Core element of EN ISO 13790: 1. Calculation of building energy needs for heating and cooling Including interaction with heat losses of systems: H = heating C = cooling V = ventilation (fans) W = hot water L = lighting 2. Energy use = sum of H&C needs + H&C system energy use
slide 15 Main structure Define building boundaries Partition into calculation zones Calculate H&C energy needs per zone Specify operating conditions Energy use of building H+C+V+W+L system properties and performance Transmission properties Air flow properties Solar properties External climate Non- recoverable heat losses H, C systems Recov erable heat losses Optional: iteration EN ISO Number of successive steps, preceding calculation of H&C energy needs Input from several other standards Interaction with system standards Output to other key standards: EN and EN 15603
slide 16 The Calculation Steps 1)Choice of type of calculation method 2)Definition of boundaries 3)Definition of internal conditions and external input data (e.g. climate) 4)Partitioning into building zones for the calculation 5)Calculation of the energy needs for each time step and building zone 6)Combination of zone-results with corresponding system losses 7)Consideration of interactions between zones and/or systems National choices For steps 1) and 7) two different approaches are possible: 1)time step used in calculation: long (month, period) or short (hour) 6)dealing with interactions: simplified or holistic approach
slide 17 system Core calculation: Energy needs for heating and cooling as function of the energy balance (simplified) building Transmission heat transfer Ventilation heat transfer overheating recoveryVentilation heat Energy needs for heating Solar gains Internal gains incl. system losses Recoverable heat
slide 18 Options for national choice (1) Calculation method –Simplified monthly method –Simplified hourly method –Input and boundary conditions for detailed simulation tools Level playing field (building regulations!) (National) choice of method depends on –Application (purpose of the calculation) –Building type or use of building –Complexity of building and systems
slide 19 Options for national choice (2) Interaction between zones in building –Single zone –Multi-zone, no thermal coupling (adiabatic) –Multi-zone, thermal coupling
slide 20 Options for national choice (3) Interaction with systems (H, C) –Simplified: fixed portion of dissipated heat in building assumed –Holistic: amount of dissipated heat in building is function of system losses iteration between calculations of system loss and building needs Building H+C needs EN ISO H+C System performance EN 15316, EN 15243,..
slide 21 Finally.. Content: –CENSE project: your feed back appreciated! –More information –Extra slides with specific details
slide 22 CENSE project: your feed back appreciated! –Ongoing CENSE activity: Collect feed back on which are major obstacles for the use of this standard –Collect (more) info on which options are used and where –Collect concrete suggestions for improvement –Respond to concrete questions Recommendations to CEN
slide 23 More information More information and downloads: Disclaimer: CENSE has received funding from the Community’s Intelligent Energy Europe programme under the contract EIE/07/069/SI The content of this presentation reflects the authors view. The author(s) and the European Commission are not liable for any use that may be made of the information contained therein. Moreover, because this is an interim result of the project: any conclusions are only preliminary and may change in the course of the project based on further feedback from the contributors, additional collected information and/or increased insight.
slide 24 More information On this topic (EN ISO 13790): P92, Information paper for the EN ISO standard on energy use for heating and cooling, EN ISO (Energy performance of Buildings – Energy use for space heating and cooling)” Strongly related Information Papers: P87, Information paper on "How to integrate the CEN-EPBD standards in national building regulations?” P95, Information paper on "The different CEN approaches for calculating the energy use for heating and cooling“ Note: on next slides specific extra details on EN ISO 13790
slide 25 Extra slides with specific details Boundaries Illustration of level playing field for the three options of calculation methods Illustration of utilization factor, monthly method Illustration of simple hourly method Why use simplified methods?
slide 26 Building boundaries, including systems (corresponding with EN 15603) V entilation 1) H eating C ooling L ighting Hot W ater Building Solar thermal PV,local Heating/ cooling systems (incl. BCHP) Electricity Gas,oil, coal,wood,… Delivered Exported Electricity Heat 1): Air transportforvent. Electric Appliances Districtheating orcooling Building“Needs ” Deliveredtoor Exportedfrom technicalsystem Renewable Systems part Acc. to EN =Conversionfactors Numerical Indicator Cooking,.. Inputdh Dis tribution and transport
slide 27 Aim: level playing field Full description of method Performance criteria Aggregated hourly input data Aggregated monthly input data Full description of method Monthly method Simple hourly method Detailed methods Common boundary conditions and assumptions Physical data of building, system, occupants, controls, environment Energy needs for heating and cooling Validation tests EN ISO 13790:2008 Level playing field for all methods
slide 28 Illustration of utilization factor, monthly method Gain utilization factor curves for heating: Gain utilization factor (η H,g ) as a function of - the heat balance ratio (γ H ) (ratio of “losses” and “gains”) - the building inertia Key: 1 5 = low high inertia A similar approach, with a "loss utilization factor", has been introduced for space cooling
slide 29 Illustration of simple hourly method The simple hourly calculation method is a new option in the EN ISO 13790:2008 Illustration of the simple hourly model (five resistances, one capacitance)
slide 30 Why use simplified methods? Question: Why should we use a simplified method, while we could use a detailed simulation method with (if needed) simplified input? Answer: In particular in context of building regulations: Essential that a prescribed method is –Verifiable –Legally secure Plus: consensus on the details of the method needed Consequently: Important quality aspects are: –Transparency –Robustness –Reproducibility This may hinder the choice of a detailed simulation tool Overview of advantages and disadvantages of different types of methods, depending on the application: Buildings Platform Information Paper P026