Networks ∙ Services ∙ People GÉANT General Assembly Meeting BELLA Update November 2015 Matthew Scott
Networks ∙ Services ∙ People DG-DEVCO Funding: 8M€ project to be coordinated by RedCLARA. Funding to support roll-out of Latin American network. GÉANT and EU NRENs in BELLA are invited to be associates. Project proposal in development. Contract negotiations between DG-DEVCO and RedCLARA expected to begin in January DG-CONNECT Funding: Two SGAs under the GÉANT FPA, one for 2015, one for Each SGA to provide 5M€ to support acquisition of transatlantic IRU. Letter of invitation for both SGAs expected mid-December Proposals to be submitted concurrently in No deadline set. GÉANT aims to submit as soon as possible in DG DEVCO and DG-CONNECT
Networks ∙ Services ∙ People DG-GROWTH Service Contract ( value: 8.6M€) DG-GROWTH need to adhere to formal procurement process to enter service contract with GÉANT. GÉANT will receive letter of invitation requesting proposal submission: Timing to be synchronised with DG-CONNECT SGA invitation letter Letter sent by DG-GROWTH before end of 2015, or early January 2016 Response expected from GÉANT around Feb 2016 Draft proposal for DG growth already prepared : Includes exit clauses to allow withdrawal from contract with no financial penalties if GÉANT encounters show- stoppers. Proposal to be finalised on receipt of letter of invitation, and shared with Board before submission. 3 DG GROWTH
Networks ∙ Services ∙ People Procurement: GÉANT Ltd to launch Prior Information Notice in November 2015 to assess market status. Publication of invitation to tender planned for early Contract signature currently envisaged for end of June Investigation just started to see if GÉANT Assoc can be the final contracting party Requires checks relating to tax and intracompany transactions, Consortium Agreement Discussions to finalise consortium agreement are on-going. Open items: Liabilities for partners relating to individual projects Management of the 50:50 allocation of capacity between EU/LA Ownership of capacity may be left to respective EU/LA member organisations (e.g. GÉANT Assoc and RedCLARA), rather than the smaller set of EU/LA NRENs in the consortium 4 PROCUREMENT and CONSORTIUM AGREEMENT
Networks ∙ Services ∙ People Risks Unknown future costs in backhaul and GÉANT backbone upgrades Mitigation Backhaul expected be included as part of the responsibility to the sea cable provider ( so low probability risk) GÉANT backbone upgrade only when traffic loads require it and not likely to be significant – less than the 200k€ saved by not continuing with the current LA link cost this route replaces ( so small financial risk) Cant eliminate risk fully until procurement results are known, but cancellation clauses are being inserted in the EC contract to allow GÉANT not to commit until full costings are understood and accepted Benefits Full funding for LA connectivity for 25 + years with minimal obligation on GÉANT members except for payment of upgrades to interface cards when traffic exceeds 100Gb Similar model of EC funding long term investment could increase possibility of similar investment by EC on other strategic routes ( eg for N.A. and SKA) Strong political backing behind this direct link and GÉANT and NRENS are seen as the enabler/ partner of choice ( also risk of refusing such an invitation) 5 Risks, mitigations and benefits