Brock University Intramural Captain's Meeting Campus Recreation Tel. (905) 688 5550, ext. 3387


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Presentation transcript:

Brock University Intramural Captain's Meeting Campus Recreation Tel. (905) , ext

Mission Statement The Department of Recreation Services Our mission… to provide quality service designed to educate, recreate and facilitate our community.

Campus Recreation Office Hours Welcome Desk- For payment and general questions ext M-Th 8am - 7pm, Fri 8am - 4pm, Sat 9am - 3pm Intramural Office: For specific questions- Rm 215, ext M-TR 12pm-4pm

Assumption of Risk By voluntarily participating in the Brock’s Campus Recreation programs, all participants assume risk of injury. Brock University does not accept responsibility for injury or loss incurred by any person participating in activities organized and administered by the Campus Recreation program

Informed Consent For programs, and Intramural sports, you will be required to read and sign the informed consent, located on your team entry form. No player will be eligible to play on an Intramural team, unless they have signed the team sheet BEFORE playing in a game

ID CARDS ALL players must bring their current Brock ID Alumni Card or Facility Membership card to EACH game. If a player does not produce their ID, he/she will not be eligible to play. Note: If a Brock ID is lost, one piece of photo ID, and their Brock Course Registration form with their ID number on it, may be used.

Eligibility Who can Play? All full time or part time students with a valid Brock ID. All faculty and staff who have a facility membership All alumni who have a Walker Complex facility membership

Eligibility How often can I play? You may play for 1 team, in 1 level, per activity eg. You may play for One Men’s/Women’s team and One Co-ed team only, per sport. Playoffs: To be eligible for playoffs, a player must have participated in at least 1 of the team’s league games. (specific rules apply for some sports)

Captain’s Responsibilities Ensure the eligibility of team players Attend meetings and pay fees and bonds Pick up bonds Relay schedule changes to your players Inform all players of policies, procedures and rules. Ensure players sign game sheet, and captain signs to verify score Notify Campus Recreation if your team is going to default Sign out equipment if needed Insure officials are treated with respect

Your Sports Convenor Can: answer question or concerns about the league clarify rules for you make you aware of schedule changes listen to recommendations and suggestions

Recommended Minimum #’s of Players

Different Levels Of Play Recreational League for players want to participate for the FUN Some players may have some experience We provide one official, and up date standings once a week, NO PLAYOFFS Competitive B for players who have experience in sport (high school team) and wish to have a competitive experience. Competitive A for players who are highly experienced in sport (ex varsity, Jr hockey).

Moving Teams to Other Divisions If you entered the wrong division: The convenor and captain will discuss moving to a different division If you Changed divisions: must occur no later than the end of the 2nd week of the schedule Teams are move because of not fitting into level of play (very good or very bad) Decision is made by convenor, officials, and team captain. Standings and point will be transferred to the new league NOTE: The divisions offered in a league will be dependent on the number of teams entered.

Performance Bond and Entry Fee Entry Fee offsets some of the cost to administer the league you play in cost includes equipment purchase, officials, convenor & facility cost (in some cases) Performance Bond 1 defualt = lose of 1/2 2 defaults lose of all bond and out of league Fight = lose of 1/2 bond 2nd Fight = lose of all bond and out of league

League Standings IF there is a tie in points the team with the most wins will receive the higher seed IF teams are still tied the team with the least number of defaults will receive the higher seed IF teams are still tied the team with the higher Spirit of Competition average will receive the higher seed IF teams are still tied they will be randomly seed

Web Page

Information you can get from the Web Team schedules League standings Directions to games (Ice Hockey/Broom Ball) Other information posted on the message board You can also contact the Intramural Department by clicking on “Contact Us”

Spirit of Competition What is it? Sport can teach a lot about life, such as setting goals, teamwork and co-operation. But these positive values can only be learned when the sport is enjoyable and played fairly. The foundation of the intramural leagues will be based on the fair play principles of integrity, fairness and respect. Specifically, these principles are; *Respect the rules. *Respect the officials and their decisions. *Respect your opponent. *Maintain your self-control at all times.

Spirit of Competition During the season, captains rate the opponents and referees rate both teams. A team's fair play will be measured through a rating structure of +2, +1, 0, -1 and –2, called Spirit of Competition ratings (S.O.C.). These scores are an indication of how well a team has upheld the principles of fair play in a game.

Spirit of Competition Regular Season Teams must have an AVERAGE S.O.C rating of +1.0 or better at the end of the regular season or they will be removed from the league and not continue in the playoff season. Playoffs Teams can only advance if they win the playoff game and earn a 0 or positive rating. If a team does win the playoff game and earns a negative rating they will forfeit the game to the losing team. The losing team can only advance if they receive a 0 or positive rating. If the losing team earns a negative rating the next round of playoffs becomes a bye.

Spirit of Competition +2 Excellent * Excellent team sportsmanship towards opponents and officials. *Entire team in self-control at all times *No major penalties/incidents. *Penalties are next to none, i.e. 0 to few. +1 Good * Team maintains a good attitude towards opponents and officials most of the game – no conflict at all. *Entire team in self-control for the game. *No major penalties/incidents. *Penalties are very few (lower than average) +1 grade is given, to the team who shows up, in the case of a Default

Spirit of Competition 0 Average (Starting point for rating teams) * Negative attitudes are limited to an individual rather than the entire team. *Lack of self-control is limited to individual, not the entire team *No major penalties/incidents and average number of penalties. -1 Poor * Lack of respect shown towards opponents and officials. Use of profane and/or vulgar language. *More than one team member shows lack of self-control. *Major penalty(ies) andmore than average number of penalties. If an ejection has occurred the teams will automatically receive a -1

Spirit of Competition -2 Not Acceptable *Terrible team sportsmanship toward opponents and officials. Frequent use of profane and/or vulgar language, acts of verbal or physical intimidation. *The majority of the team shows lack of self-control and respect for opponents and/or officials. *Major penalties have been awarded and numerous amount of penalties. If a fight has occurred the teams will automatically receive a -2 A Grade of N/A will be given to a team that Defaults

Officials Can I officiate and play? YES Preferably you officiate on a different night in which you play

Officials ZERO TOLERANCE ON DISRESPECT OF OFFICIALS Disrespect of officials includes: Verbal or non-verbal insults at an official Invading an official’s personal space Physical abuse Attempting to influence, intimidate or manipulate an official. Post game confrontations with an official

OFFICIALS Remember: Even if you do not agree with a call, without the officials you would not be able to participate in the Brock University Campus Recreation’s Intramural Program! With Out the Student Officials we would not have an Intramural Program

Alcohol Policy Any player deemed to be playing under the influence of drugs or alcohol will be asked to leave by the official or convenor. Should the player refuse, the team captain shall be responsible to ensure the player leaves the playing area. If this fails, the game will be stopped, the team will be given a default and the police will be called

Offenses and Sanctions Fighting a fight is defined as: one punch thrown at an opponent or an attempt to throw a punch. 1st infraction: minimum automatic 3 game suspension and loss of 1/2 of teams performance bond 2 nd infraction (by same player): minimum automatic expulsion from league, attending a disciplinary meeting and the team is removed form the league

Offences and Sanctions Intent to Injure Any player deliberately attempting to injure another player will receive a minimum of a 1 year suspension from the intramural program

Offences and Sanctions Offenses Toward Official Physical Abuse (or Attempted) –minimum one year suspension Verbal Abuse –minimum one game suspension

Offences and Sanctions Willful Facility/Equipment Damage player will be billed for the cost of all damages (a hold will be placed on you Brock records) may be criminally charged by the police

Offences and Sanctions Ineligible Players If a player plays on a second team, the second team will be charged with a loss for that game, and will lose 1/2 of their bond. If an ineligible player plays in a playoff game, the team will lose 1/2 of their bond and will be removed from playoffs

Varsity Players No Varsity player or student practicing consistently with a varsity or Brock club team may participate in intramural competition in their sport, in-season. Team will be charged with a default - lose game and 1/2 bond No more than any combination of 2 ex varsity (played within the previous 2 school years) /current varsity players from any post-secondary institution, may register and play for the same team in their sport. Team will be charged with a default - lose game and 1/2 bond

Definition of Ex-Varsity and Varsity Varsity currently on an OUA/CIS eligibility list of any varsity or club team or currently practices on a regular bases with a varsity or club team. Ex-varsity any player who appeared on a OUA/CIS eligibility list within the past two school years.

Protests and Appeals Protest can not protest judgment call. Note protest on back of game sheet and notify both the officials and the other team have 24 hour to present a written protest to Campus Rec. Office (Rm 215) protest must be signed by 4 participating team members Campus Rec. will meet with convenor, and officials will be notified of a decision by phone Appeal a detailed written appeal and a $30 non-refundable fee must be submitted to the Campus Rec. Coordinator within 48 hours Appeal committee will be formed protester will be invited to speak to an appeal committee appeal decision is FINAL!

Equipment Sign-out Some equipment is available for team member to sign out from the cage, It must be returned in the same condition. Damaged equipment costs will be billed to the player who signed out the equipment or team shirts

Athletic Injury Clinic The clinic operates for all students who have been injured in a sporting activity Call 3791 to make an appointment All convenors have First aid and CPR Should an injury be serious, you will be sent to the hospital Less serious injuries will be referred to the Athletic Injury Clinic or the On Campus Clinic.