NETWORKING ON SOCIAL INCLUSION The European Anti-Poverty Network.


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Presentation transcript:

NETWORKING ON SOCIAL INCLUSION The European Anti-Poverty Network



WHAT IS EAPN  EAPN is an independent coalition of NGOs and groups involved in the fight against poverty established in national networks of anti-poverty NGOs and grassroots groups (in the EU, Norway) - 24 European-wide organisations  Tackling different aspects of poverty (access to labour market, housing, education, social services…)

BUREAU 5 EXCO members coordinating between GENERAL ASSEMBLY National Networks + European Organisations SECRETARIATSECRETARIAT WORKING GROUPS (Employment, Structural Funds, Social Inclusion) MAINSTREAMING GROUPS (Discrimintation, Gender, Globalisation) CAMPAIGN GROUP Minimum Income, 2010 PLANNING GROUP Sustainable Financing for NN EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE 25 reps NNs + 3 reps of EOs Participation Group

Members of EAPN in all EU member states + Norway, except for:  Latvia, and Estonia  Contacts in Iceland  Project partnership with Turkey

NATIONAL NETWORKS’ PROFILE (MEMBERSHIP AND ACTIVITY) Who makes up National Networks:  self-organized groups  Service providers  Social workers  Issue-focused organizations  Academics and researchers Members differ in size, membership, structure, legal form and activity

NETWORK PROFILES Size and membership: n Grassroots/service providers/movement Status and Structures: n Almost all legally registered n Some have regional networks in their structure Focus of their work: n Only European, European and National, National focus Staff and resources n Most have 1 or 1/5 time staff, 1 Network has 37 staff! n Mainly operating on voluntary work n Most networks primarily project funding, some get core funds


OVERVIEW OF EAPN ACTIVITIES  Lobbying and alliance building  Exchange forum and information platform  Network development, empowerment and training for NGOs

EAPN PRINCIPLES  A rights-based approach  Participation  Partnership and solidarity  Mainstreaming

MAIN POLICY FOCUS (1)  EU commitment to the fight against poverty and social exclusion in all policies  EU Social Inclusion Strategy (since 2001): exchange of good practices, common goals and benchmarks  Structural Funds (European Social Fund)  Employment (European Employment Strategy since 1997, labour law): need for an inclusive labour market, quality jobs, issue of working poor

MAIN POLICY FOCUS (2)  Services (social, health, public services…)  Minimum income (towards common principles?)  Constitutional process (social dimension)  Mainstreaming specific issues throughout the work of EAPN: participation, globalisation, discrimination

NETWORK DEVELOPMENT  Guidance  Training  Financial support for OMC implementation  Information tools  Representation  Lobbying and advancing issues  Networking and cooperation

INFORMATION TOOLS  AntiPoverty Magazine (printed publication 4/year)  EAPN Flash (weekly online newsletter)  EAPN Policy Brief for members only (updated by policy topic every two months)     Printed publications: reports, policy documents, reactions, campaigning materials, and other  AntiPoverty Magazine (printed publication 4/year)  EAPN Flash (weekly online newsletter)  EAPN Policy Brief for members only (updated by policy topic every two months)     Printed publications: reports, policy documents, reactions, campaigning materials, and other


PRIORITIES  Putting poverty on top of the EU agenda  2010 European Year for Combating Poverty and Social Exclusion  Social and antipoverty policy in EU after 2010 (revising Lisbon Agenda)  Working for a cohesive and strong social policy in EU  Challenging economic and financial policy’s impact on poverty  Developing a campaigning approach  Participation of People Experiencing Poverty  Enlargement and strengthening of the network


THE ADDED VALUE OF EAPN EUROPEAN UNION MEMBER STATES REGIONAL AND LOCAL AUTHORITIES EAPN NATIONAL NETWORKS LOCAL ORGANISATIONS People experiencing poverty and social exclusion Lobbying axis Networking axis ‘Impact’ axis Policy axis

HOW CAN I PARTICIPATE…  M My network  Statutory bodies  Working structures  Seminars and exchanges  Communication tools  Following processes at national level  Inputting into EAPN documents

HOW TO CONTACT US Square de Meeûs 18 B-1050 Brussels Tel Fax