Webinar Housekeeping 1. Be sure you’re dialed into the audio portion of the webinar: Access Code: Webinar length: approximately 1 hour 3. All participant lines will be muted 4. At the end of presentation there will be a Q&A session 5. If you have a question during the presentation, type it into the chat box 6. We’ll log all questions and answer them during Q&A.
Utilize Free Online Resources to Improve Communication, Networking and Collaboration Brian Tepp, Director, Membership
Overview How is the way we communicate today changing and why? Why is Facebook a powerful communication tool for you? Learn the benefits of using Facebook to communicate with members and non-members Demo on how to start a Facebook page Promote your Facebook page to get the best results
We are living in exponential times The number of text messages send each day exceeds the world population The New York Times contains more information than a person living in the 18 th century came across in a lifetime An estimated 4 exabytes of unique information will be generated this year – more than the previous 5,000 years The amount of technical information is doubling every two years
What is social media? Social media is information created by people using internet-based tools for sharing and discussing information. Wiki Podcast Blogs Networks Sharing Collaborate Network Groups Trusted & Relevant Comm.
Impact on the way we communicate? Provides control over how you receive information Filters out information you don’t want to receive Traditional communication channels are no longer effective Push information to more friends, colleagues, target market Control the information relevant to you Increased collaboration and global reach
Facebook is for kids! Facebook is the answer to all my communication needs I don’t want people to steal my identity I don’t really care about what my high school friends are doing Common misperceptions about Facebook
Television 13 Years Time to Reach 50 Million Users External Market Assessment Internet 4 Years Relevance of New Technologies iPod 3 Years Facebook 2 Years
Why Facebook? More than 200 million active users More than 100 million users log on to Facebook at least once each day More than 3.5 billion minutes daily are spent on Facebook (worldwide) The year old demographics has seen a 276.4% growth rate in the past 6 months The 55+ demo is not far behind with a 194.3% growth rate
How can you leverage Facebook Online networking provides venue to engage inactive members Make communication more relevant to your audience Upload non-member/members and invite them to join your group Promote events, post discussions, video, new, survey links… Engage grassroots interest in a cause related campaigns Increase communication channels, allow members to “filter”
Do your homework! Check existing groups and/or competition Who is successful and who is not? What are the top community issues and purpose Behavior norms – what is the best approach? (humor, cause, common interest, campaign, combination)
facebook.com Demo
Q&A Instructions 1. How to Ask a Question 2. Raise your hand 3. Chairperson will call on you 4. Unmute your line by pressing *7 on your phone 5. Ask your question 6. Remute your line by pressing *6