Copyright © 1995–2007 by Pearson Education, publishing as Longman Aaron, The Little, Brown Compact Handbook, Sixth Edition EFFECTIVE WORDS
Copyright © 1995–2007 by Pearson Education, publishing as Longman Aaron, The Little, Brown Compact Handbook, Sixth Edition WORDS COMMONLY CONFUSED passed (past tense of pass) past (after, or a time gone by) principal (most important, or the head of a school) principle (a basic truth or law) stationary (unmoving) stationery (writing paper) their (possessive of they) there (opposite of here) they’re (contraction of they are) your (possessive of you) you’re (contraction of you are) 45.2 More examples:
Copyright © 1995–2007 by Pearson Education, publishing as Longman Aaron, The Little, Brown Compact Handbook, Sixth Edition EXERCISE Distinguishing between ie and ei 1.br__f 2. dec__ve 3. rec__pt 4.s__ze 5. for__gn 6. pr__st 7. gr__vance 8. f__nd 9. l__surely 10. ach__ve 11. pat__nce 12. p__rce 13.h__ght 14.fr__ght 15.f__nt 16.s__ve Insert ie or ei in the words below. Check doubtful spellings in a dictionary. 45.3
Copyright © 1995–2007 by Pearson Education, publishing as Longman Aaron, The Little, Brown Compact Handbook, Sixth Edition ANSWERS TO EXERCISE 1.brief 2. deceive 3. receipt 4.seize 5. foreign 6. priest 7. grievance 8. fiend 9. leisurely 10. achieve 11. patience 12. pierce 13.height 14.freight 15.feint 16.sieve 45.4