Kung Fu --09 Politics Class 6 Group 220 讨论:所有成员 收集资料:陈娟、李帝珍、徐晓君、刘玉婷 演讲:梁康有 PPT 制作:黎靖雯
Introduction of Kung Fu Kung fu (China) is not only martial art but also simple combat that stepped the fist movement in the world. It is the crystallization( 结 晶 ) of the wisdom ( 智 慧 ),one part of the preferential ( 优 良 )traditional culture and the unique one in the world.
Introduction of Shaolin Kung fu According to the properties Waigong skills, Yinggong skills, Flying skills, Qingong skills, etc. According to the techniques and points Gunshu,Qiangshu, Boxing, and Daoshu, Fencing. Being skillful, apparatus and instruments of sanda head.
In economy In culture In cultivation VS
What should we do in order to spread the splendid culture? 1.government: policy and actions 2.people: learn and spread 3.society: provide more helpful condition
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