3rd EIONET workshop on Climate Change Impacts, Vulnerability and Adaptation EEA, 30 June 2009 SEBI 2010, climate change and connectivity Katarzyna Biała.


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Presentation transcript:

3rd EIONET workshop on Climate Change Impacts, Vulnerability and Adaptation EEA, 30 June 2009 SEBI 2010, climate change and connectivity Katarzyna Biała and Frederik Schutyser European Environment Agency

3rd EIONET workshop on Climate Change Impacts, Vulnerability and Adaptation EEA, 30 June 2009 Outline What is SEBI 2010 Process Selection of the indicators SEBI 2010 indicators related to climate change Adaptation and connectivity

3rd EIONET workshop on Climate Change Impacts, Vulnerability and Adaptation EEA, 30 June 2009 What is SEBI 2010 SEBI 2010 – Streamlining European Biodiversity Indicators Initiated in 2005 to select a set of indicators to monitor progress towards 2010 in Europe Institutional partners EEA and ETC/BD ECNC UNEP-World Conservation Monitoring Centre European Commission PEBLDS Czech Republic SEBI 2010 built on the conceptual framework provided by the CBD, and worked with a set of headline indicators within the CBD focal areas.

3rd EIONET workshop on Climate Change Impacts, Vulnerability and Adaptation EEA, 30 June EU Headlines ECOSYSTEM INTEGRITY, GOODS AND SERVICES  Marine trophic index  Connectivity/fragmentation of ecosystems  Water quality in aquatic ecosystems SUSTAINABLE USE  Area of ecosystems under sustainable management  Forest  Agriculture  Fishery  Aquaculture  Ecological footprint STATUS AND TRENDS OF COMPONENTS OF BIODIVERSITY  Trends in extent of selected biomes, ecosystems, habitats  Coverage of protected areas  Trends in abundance and distribution of selected species  Change in status of threatened and/or protected species  Trends in genetic diversity of domesticated animals, cultivated plants, fish species of major socioeconomic importance THREATS TO BIODIVERSITY  Nitrogen deposition  Numbers and costs of invasive alien species (Trends in invasive alien species)  Impact of climate change + Funding to biodiversity + Public awareness & participation + Patent applications

3rd EIONET workshop on Climate Change Impacts, Vulnerability and Adaptation EEA, 30 June 2009 Process: phase 1 Phase 1: a coordination team and 6 expert groups: Species Ecosystems Genetic diversity Nitrogen Invasive Alien Species Sustainable use 2007: technical report documenting the indicators

3rd EIONET workshop on Climate Change Impacts, Vulnerability and Adaptation EEA, 30 June 2009 Selection of the indicators Strict process… based on objective criteria and expert opinion “we need at least one indicator per headline”

3rd EIONET workshop on Climate Change Impacts, Vulnerability and Adaptation EEA, 30 June 2009 Process: phase : first assessment report based on the indicators Phase 2: a coordination team and 3 working groups: interlinkages climate change communications

3rd EIONET workshop on Climate Change Impacts, Vulnerability and Adaptation EEA, 30 June EU Headlines ECOSYSTEM INTEGRITY, GOODS AND SERVICES  Marine trophic index  Connectivity/fragmentation of ecosystems  Water quality in aquatic ecosystems SUSTAINABLE USE  Area of ecosystems under sustainable management  Forest  Agriculture  Fishery  Aquaculture  Ecological footprint STATUS AND TRENDS OF COMPONENTS OF BIODIVERSITY  Trends in extent of selected biomes, ecosystems, habitats  Coverage of protected areas  Trends in abundance and distribution of selected species  Change in status of threatened and/or protected species  Trends in genetic diversity of domesticated animals, cultivated plants, fish species of major socioeconomic importance THREATS TO BIODIVERSITY  Nitrogen deposition  Numbers and costs of invasive alien species (Trends in invasive alien species)  Impact of climate change + Funding to biodiversity + Public awareness & participation + Patent applications

3rd EIONET workshop on Climate Change Impacts, Vulnerability and Adaptation EEA, 30 June 2009 … and 26 specific indicators 1. Abundance and distribution of selected species14. Fragmentation of river systems 2. Red List Index for European species15. Nutrients in transitional, coastal and marine waters 3. Species of European interest16. Freshwater quality 4. Ecosystem coverage17. Forest: Growing stock, increment and fellings 5. Habitats of European interest18. Forest: Deadwood 6. Livestock genetic diversity19. Agriculture: Nitrogen balance 7. Nationally designated protected areas 20. Agriculture: Area under management practices potentially supporting biodiversity 8. Sites designated under the EU Habitats and Birds Directives21. Fisheries: European commercial fish stocks 9. Critical load exceedance for nitrogen22. Aquaculture: Effluent water quality from finfish farms 10. Invasive alien species in Europe23. Ecological Footprint of European countries 11. Impact of climatic change on bird populations24. Patent applications based on genetic resources 12. Marine Trophic Index of European seas25. Financing biodiversity management 13. Fragmentation of natural and semi-natural areas26. Public awareness

Weighted population trend of species predicted to lose range in response to climatic change (92 species) Weighted population trend of species predicted to gain range in response to climatic change (30 species) Source: Gregory et al., 2009

3rd EIONET workshop on Climate Change Impacts, Vulnerability and Adaptation EEA, 30 June 2009 Climate change in SEBI … is about impacts on biodiversity (birds, but further ongoing work on alpine plants and butterflies) but there is also connectivity…

3rd EIONET workshop on Climate Change Impacts, Vulnerability and Adaptation EEA, 30 June 2009 More information, or comments?  SEBI 2010 details:  SEBI 2010 technical report:  SEBI 2010 assessment report biodiversity-target/ biodiversity-target/ and indicator-fact-sheets/ Thank you

3rd EIONET workshop on Climate Change Impacts, Vulnerability and Adaptation EEA, 30 June 2009 Climate change adaptation and biodiversity Connectivity: Where to start and how to measure progress? Rania Spyropoulou,EEA Biodiversity Group, Natural Systems and Vulnerability Program Based on work by Jean louis Weber, EEA, ETC/LUSI,Dominique Richard, ETC/BD, and A.T.Peterson et al., Biodiversity Research Center, The University of Kansas

3rd EIONET workshop on Climate Change Impacts, Vulnerability and Adaptation EEA, 30 June 2009 Making regional biodiversity conservation more robust.. The Net Landscape Ecological Potential of Europe The perspective of protected species in and out of protected sites Producing distribution envelopes for each Eu listed species..Is an Adaptation Path worth exploring

3rd EIONET workshop on Climate Change Impacts, Vulnerability and Adaptation EEA, 30 June 2009 The Net Landscape Ecological Potential = an indicator to measure and assess terrestrial ecosystem integrity at a macro scale in Europe on the basis of land cover changes. Integrity is understood as a key determinant of the potential of healthy ecosystems to deliver over time multiple services necessary for society development and human wellbeing Based on Corine Land Cover, Protected Areas and effective mesh size (degree of fragmentation)

3rd EIONET workshop on Climate Change Impacts, Vulnerability and Adaptation EEA, 30 June 2009 The making of net Landscape Ecological Potential of Europe Corine land cover (derived from satellite images) Green Background Landscape Index (derived from CLC) Naturilis (derived from Natura2000 & CDDA) Effective Mesh Size (MEFF, derived from TeleAtlas and CLC) net Landscape Ecological Potential (nLEP) 2000, by 1km² grid cell nLEP 2000 by NUTS 2/3

3rd EIONET workshop on Climate Change Impacts, Vulnerability and Adaptation EEA, 30 June 2009 Assessing changes in Net Landscape Ecological Potential The decrease of the indicator reflects a degradation of the land potential, while the increase an improvement. Work is ongoing to refine the sensitivity of the indicator and to describe its advantages and disadvantages.

3rd EIONET workshop on Climate Change Impacts, Vulnerability and Adaptation EEA, 30 June 2009 Comparison between sites designated for targeted species and habitats and distribution range of these sp. and habitats 2007 Reporting on the Habitats Directive (Article 17)

3rd EIONET workshop on Climate Change Impacts, Vulnerability and Adaptation EEA, 30 June 2009 Eryngium viviparum

3rd EIONET workshop on Climate Change Impacts, Vulnerability and Adaptation EEA, 30 June 2009 Narcissus nevadensis

3rd EIONET workshop on Climate Change Impacts, Vulnerability and Adaptation EEA, 30 June 2009 Bufo calamita

3rd EIONET workshop on Climate Change Impacts, Vulnerability and Adaptation EEA, 30 June 2009 Thank you for your attention!