Delivering the Goods: Health Librarianship by Distance (Rural Queensland, Australia) Jane Orbell-Smith AFALIA Presenter: Jane Orbell-Smith AFALIA Affiliation: Librarian, Primary & Community Health Services, Queensland Health, Australia. The Service Area Mackay Health Service District covers a very beautiful and diverse km2 area (ABS, 2005). Thirteen Health Service sites within the District serve a population of approximately people (MHSD, 2009). The Region growing at the rapid rate of 2.5% per annum (OESR, 2009). Principal employment in the area is mining, tourism and agriculture. Abstract The Mackay Health Service District Library provides professional library and information services to health personnel throughout the Mackay Region. The Library provides specialist services including reference, information literacy training, and information resource provision with an emphasis is placed on “Evidence-Based Practice”. The Library Funding for the Mackay Health Service District and its Library is provided through Queensland Health (QH), the State Government’s health service. The Library serves a diverse health workforce including clinicians (nursing and medical), administration and management staff, allied health professionals and assistants such as physiotherapists. The roles of the Library are research, education and education support. The Library consists of two major components, a physical space and a virtual presence; Library staff work within both spheres. The physical library is a place for District employees to work in a supported environment. The virtual Library consists of desk-top access to online resources and online contact with the Library. District Library support consists of site visits, direct contact with key personnel, Selective Dissemination of Information (SDI) and Table of Contents (TOC) services. Information Literacy & EBP Information literacy is a prime aim in the education of the Library’s clients. Library staff members participate in resource selection, promotion and training. The Library’s parent organisation, Queensland Health, embraces “Evidence-Based Practice” (EBP). Consequently, much of the training provided by Library staff to clients focuses on teaching how to locate and interpret quality evidence. This enables practitioners to incorporate evidence into their patient care. In support of EBP, QH provides an extensive range of electronic databases, books and journals via the “Clinician’s Knowledge Network” (CKN) portal. CKN is accessible by patrons’ onsite and remotely. The Current Library – Client Computer and Collection Areas (2010) Future Developments It is an exciting time for the Library as the Campus is in the midst of a complete redevelopment and the Library will become part of an Education Precinct. The Library Manager has a major role in the planning and implementation stages of this project. The outcome will be a vibrant, light, eco-friendly work area able to support an ever growing client base. Artists Impression of the Redeveloped Mackay Base Hospital (2009). Outcomes Library usage over the past three years has risen by 25% per annum in all areas. District support visits have risen from 2 to a minimum of 4 per annum with two of the closer hospitals receiving monthly visit support. The major outcome is the recognition by the District of the valuable role of the Library demonstrated in the planned redevelopment a placement of the Library in an extensive Education and Research Precinct that includes medical, nursing, allied health and support educators and co-location with one of the feeder university on campus. Map of Australia: Mackay Health Service District (2008)