Mics There are many types of other Mics within these the types of Mics that I have mentioned above, some of them being instrument specific microphones for example a dynamic instrument Mic, of a condenser drum microphone there is many others and the list can go on for ever but Mics are not only used for music recording the can be used on a YouTube series or film set these Mics are called boom Mic and are very sensitive almost like a condenser Mic. Other Mic that can be used for recording or communication for example built in Mic into a laptop or your desktop PC, these are all dynamic microphone the reason for this is because dynamic Mics which are very durable in comparison to something like a condenser Mic which is very sensitive to load sounds as well as its surround which unlike a dynamic Mic can take can not take a lot of beating. The reason that these Mic were chosen for each task for example a Boom Mic is because they are sensitive there for can pick up all the little things which are essential in movies. There are many Mics that are used everyday but, the all fall under the category's of dynamic microphones, conducer Mics Ribbon Mics which are hardly used in today society, and boundary Mic which are mainly used for instrumentation.
Polar patterns Polar patterns graphs are the visual direction which the microphone used are sensitive to sound, it does not matter what type of microphone you are using. The most common polar patterns are Omnidirectional, cardioid and hyper cardioid these three different polar patterns pick up sound in different ways as shown in the image below The first image which is a omnidirectional polar pattern, this means that from all angles the sound is herd from evenly and there from if using this for a live performance my not be the best because you may pick up interference from your other musicians. The second image is a cardioid polar pattern, and like its name the polar pattern is shaped almost like a hearts, which means from the rear of he microphone the sound will be very little to the front of the microphone. The third image is super cardioid and an almost similar polar pattern to image 2 but this one is more streamline and closer to the microphone, and it also has a small range at the rear of the microphone which audio can be heard from. Lastly the forth image which is a figure of 8 polar pattern microphone, as shown in the picture the polar pattern is in a figure of 8 format and sound/audio can be herd from either side of the microphone in an even distribution but can not be herd from the front and back of the microphone, this polar pattern could be useful in an interview or something were you would need two people on either end of the Mic, even something like backing singers.
Frequency response The frequency response of a microphone is the output level over its operating range, there are two main types of frequency responses, flat frequency response meaning from (20hz - 20khz) all audio has the same same output level as each other without changing the sound of the audio i.e. coloring the recording irrelevant of the frequency input. And the second type of frequency response is a tailored frequency response, the difference between the two is that a tailored frequency response may have a high peak which means it could be set up for a live performance, or could have a specific range of frequency which the microphone could pick up making it better for vocalist use and record a cleaner sound.
Sensitivity Microphone sensitivity is one of the most important topics when talking about microphones. The way which the sensitivity rating works is in voltage to pressure which the microphone creates. The higher the voltage rating is with the given sound pressure of 94db, (DB meaning decibels, which is how sound is measured) the more sensitive the microphone will be. Microphone sensitivity can vary between the different microphones, for example condenser microphones are more sensitive than dynamic microphones that is why condenser microphone are not used on stage in a live performance as condenser microphone will be more sensitive to background noise.
Condenser Microphone Condenser microphones are generally used in studios this is because the are very sensitive to loud sounds and also very sensitive to “P sounds and “SH” sounds, in comparison to dynamic microphones, this is good because it increases the quality of the recoding There are two different types of condenser microphone one being large diaphragm and the other being small diaphragm, the difference is that large diaphragm Mics are normally used for studio vocals because the sound produced from them is warm and they can pick up the lower frequency sounds better, a small diaphragm microphones are used for recording instrument because they can pick up fast sounds for example a plucked guitar. They are the best choice if you want a wide frequency response when recording. Condenser microphones work by two plates with an electrical charge side by side which are normally made of light materials these plates act as a diaphragm and when hit by sound waves vibrate which changes the electrical capacity that it holds. Neumann U87 Ai Studioset, Nickel is a condenser microphone which cost £1,749.00, the reason for this is because it is a very good quality microphone and it is generally used for studios it also has a wide frequency range which you can adjust on the side of the Mic with an Omni directional polar pattern.
Dynamic Microphones Dynamic microphones are the most common microphones the reason being is because the are resilient to rough handling, like any microphone they have a breaking point but they can width stand a lot, they are also very resistant to high volume levels unlike condenser microphone which are very sensitive to things like this, that is why dynamic microphones are used at a live performance or concert, if they are not using a dynamic microphone they will probably be using a body microphone. The polar patterns of these microphones can change dependent on the make or model, because most of the time the polar pattern of a dynamic microphone is pre set and can not be changed, but the most common polar pattern for a dynamic microphone is a cardioid pattern. Dynamic microphones work by mainly using something called a voice coil which is attached to the back of the diaphragm and when sound waves hit the diaphragm the voice coil vibrates and using the magnets inside the microphone it creates a voltage. Samson Airline 77 UHF Wireless Handheld Microphone System E4 is a wireless dynamic microphone which is quite expensive it cost £240 in comparison to the condenser microphone is a lot cheaper, it can pick up a very rounded range of frequency's from 40 Hz to 10,000 Hz which is a wide range of frequency's that they can here this particular microphone has a cardioid polar pattern.
Ribbon Microphone Ribbon microphone are generally known for their warm and natural sounds, these microphones are not very common these day but they used to use ribbon microphones from sports commentary, ribbon microphones work by 2 magnetized plate on either side of the microphone, and between the two plates is a conductive material which is in the shape of a ribbon, and once sound waves hit the material it cut the magnetic field very quickly again creative voltage. Ribbon microphones fall under the same category as dynamic microphones because they work in very similar ways, finding a good quality ribbon microphone today it will cost you a lot of money because there are very few company who still make these types of microphone, and although the sound the dynamic microphone create is not quite the same as a ribbon microphone these are the cheaper and more common option to date. The polar pattern of most ribbon microphone is a bidirectional or figure of 8 pattern their for sound can be herd from both sides of the microphone, and that’s why they used this type of microphone from sports commentary. AEA R44CE - British Update is one of the higher end ribbon Microphones which cost $ which considerably more than the condenser Mic, the reason for this is because ribbon Mics are very rare in comparison they also have a very clear and realistic sound with no warmth added which a condenser Mic does, the frequency response range of this Mic is 30 Hz to 20K Hz, and produce 140DB of SPL.
Boundary Microphone Boundary microphone are generally these days used from instruments such as the drums, they are placed inside you kick drum and they pick up the lower and frequency’s, a boundary microphone falls under the bracket of a condenser microphone, and they are also omnidirectional which is the reason they are placed inside the kick drum, so all of the sound waves bounce of the inside of the kick drum and hit the microphone. Boundary microphone are normally know from their precise and dry sound that they create when recording, this is because boundary microphone tend to relay on the built in pre amps. Boundary microphones work in the same way which a condenser microphone works in the only difference is the angle which the microphone points at is usually slightly under the sound source and once the sound enters the microphone the pre amp, and well as the positioning of the microphone give the microphone is dry sound. Sennheiser E 912 Condenser Boundary Microphone is a high end boundary Mic which cost £ this Microphone as explained above is used to record things like a guitar and as a higher end one the frequency response of this Mic is 1k Hz to 10k Hz and produces 135 DBs of sound pressure level.
Mixing desks There are two main parts of a mixing desk the first being the channel strip were each of the inputs you are using E.g. vocals, instrumentation are and were you can do all of you main adjustments. Which means you can adjust vocals, which go through you channel strip, as well as instruments which go through your channel strip some mixers may have more channels than others which just means you will have more inputs you can have on your mixer. And the second part being the main output section, which is generally used when you are doing a live performance or sometimes when you a recording a live session in a studio, it allows you to adjust volumes, this would be very useful because when you are playing instruments like the drums they are always much loader than the main vocalist, so the output section allows you to turn, up/down volumes of each individual channel when you send it though the busses on your mixer.
Mixing desks This is the trim/pre gain and it sets the input level volume of the channel This is the EQ section of the mixer and this allows you to adjust the low, mid and high frequency's This is the aux sends section of the mixing desk it allows you to adjust effects/ live recording feeds and allow used for monitoring This is the pan section of the mixture which allows you to control the signal This is the main channel fader which allows you to control the volume level of you channel there are also buss option located here which allow you to chose which output your channels go through the output section is highlighted in yellow in the bottom right corner of the mixer The aux send is the signal is send from which then goes into the master, and the aux returns is were the signal is relived from these are both located at the top of the mixer. The monitor section is usually used for a live performance and is used for the performers to here themselves. And lastly the channel, group L/R mix meter this allow you to balance vocals and instruments on a live performance or could be used in a studio
How Sound Travels In this slide I will be using a vocalist as an example to explain how sound travel. Firstly from the a live performance aspect, the vocalist will sing /rap recording and from there the input is send through to the aux sends master which then send the signal through to than channel strip, in the channel strip is were you can control were you want the audio signal to go or what you want the audio signal to do, if you want to add effects to your audio for example reverb or EQ you can do this in the channel strip, this is also were you control were you would like the audio to be send through next you do this by selection the busses located on the main volume control on the channel strip, after than you audio goes through the monitoring section of the mixer which allows you to control the fading in a out of instruments and vocals, after that you audio is then send though to the output section were you busses are located and here you can control the volumes and the mix of the overall piece, and after that your audio is sent through the speaker and that is how the sound travels through you mixer, in a studio condition the same thing will happen but it will not matter about the monitoring section of your mixer because you can change that in the mixing section of your mixer.
Recording devices The main 3 recording devices that I will be talking about are some of the most commonly used recording devices, hand held recording device being the first one which is the most commonly used one out of the other recording devices, the reason being is because your phone could technically be used as a hand held recording device. The second device that will be talking about is computer recording devices meaning recording software that you can download for example something like audacity. The last type of recording device that I will be talking about is a audio interface recording device which is normally used when recording vocals or instruments in a studio and an external microphone will be plugged into the interface.
Recording devices Hand held recording device such as the Roland R-26 are usually used for things like low budget documentary's, they are usually dynamic microphones with an omnidirectional polar patter this is because when they are normally used they pick up sound from all directions which will not be the clearest sound you could possibly get but it the closest to what it would actually sound like in real life usually when using a hand held recording device such as you phone in comparison the the Rolland R-26 the quality is very low in comparison because the microphone is so small and also because phone microphone are low budget in comparison to a Rolland microphone which is one of the top brand microphones. There are many types of hand held recording devices, and they work very similarly to each other as shown below you can see a hand held recording device with sound traveling into it and then is recorded onto an SD card which is like a memory for the recording device, and after this it can be played though the small speaker of the device or put onto a computer as an mp3 file via a USB cable, and with most hand held recording devices this is how the work and some of the premium recording devices under the right condition can produce a very clean/realistic sound and these devices such as a Rolland R-26 are usually used to record things like animal life, or things for documentary’s.
Recording devices The second and not as common recording device is a computer recording device, this could be recording software a good example of recording software is audacity this software allows you to connect a microphone to your computer or laptop and record the sound you have chosen, although you can not edit the audio file a lot after you have recorded it, but in programs like logic pro x editing the sound of the object you have recorded is much easier because there is a built in mixer into the program so you can add a lot of effects, this is one of the best ways to get a clean sounding recorded audio file this is because, you will be able to adjust the volumes of the audio through your computer also, dependent on your budget you could get a good quality microphone this would make the clarity. There are many recording software that are available to uses it all depends of the budget that you have got, some of them are free that you can download from the internet and the better quality ones you will have to pay for.
Recording devices The last type of recording device which is used mainly in the music industry, because it has the best quality of sound available, as well as you can do a vast amount of editing to the sound after you have recorded it to get a better end product. Audio interface recording devices are basically the set up of a studio, were the sound that is coming the the microphone, goes through an interface before the sound is hear out of the speakers or after play back this is exactly what happens in a studio because the sound created goes through a mixer this is an interface, this also helps you to adjust the volumes of the vocals or instrumentation that is being recorded, through the mixer you can add in a could of effects as well, but when the mixer is connected with recording software like logic pro x there is much more effects and editing tools available this can rage from vocal transformations to the slow down effect of the pace of the audio, this also allows you to get the best mix out of your audio tracks if trying to blend multiple tracks together.