Ene Kuivatus- ja haihdutusprosessit teollisuudessa, Ene , Industrial drying and evaporation processes
Execution Each student holds a lecture about one course topic - Lectures on Fridays (10-12, K324) - All necessary material will be found on the MyCourses page Six calculation exercises -Exercises will be found on the MyCourses page -Exercises on Thursdays (12-14, K324) -You can get extra points by solving a problem in the exercise Home exam -Each student will be sent a home exam by (or pick up it in Konsta’s office) -Four questions (at least two calculation problems) -You have 24 hours time to solve these questions -The exam will be returned back to Konsta Turunen -Questions are not exactly the same for each student
Assessment criteria Lecturemax 10 points Home exam max 20 points Calculation exercises +3 extra points Totally points You have to get 15 points from a lecture and home exam to pass the course. Extra points are included since you have passed the course You must also participate in 3 lectures
Topics and schedule of the lectures TopicLecturerDateChapters 1) Thermodynamics of humid air and water in hygroscopic material Holmberg ) Diffusion and evaporation rate from a water surface through the boundary layer Särkilahti, Hiltunen ) Moisture migration mechanisms in a porous material and drying as physical phenomena Mattila, Seppä2.10 6,8,9 4) Characteristic drying curve Lehto ) Energy and mass balance of the dryer and drying process on the enthalpy humidity chart Pitkäoja ) Methods to reduce heat consumption in drying and direct steam drying Sihvonen ,15 7) Presentation of the most typical dryers and some design principles Hynynen ) Biomass drying Nyström, Salmela ) Basics in evaporation technology Hakkarainen ) Evaporators 20.11
Dates of calculation exercises and possible dates for the home exam Calculation ExerciseDate Exercise 1 Exercise 2 Exercise 3 Exercise 4 Exercise 5 Exercise 6 Possible dates for the home exam: 1 th December starting at 10 and returning 2 th December at 10 2 th December starting at 10 and returning 3 th December at 10 3 th December starting at 10 and returning 4 th December at 10 4 th December starting at 10 and returning 5 th December at 10
Some evaluation criteria and instructions for the lectures -If you can also explain why something happens, and not only what happens, it may have a positive influence on evaluation. -Consider how you are going to present your topic. You don’t have to use only slides but for example the board or some other methods -If you try to get some interaction between the audience and yourself (e.g. by making questions), do not hesitate to try it. -You can use all existing slides on the Noppa-page but it is allowed to make new ones, too. -You can also use some material of your own if you have it or you find it somewhere.
Some evaluation criteria and….. continues -Do not be afraid of mistakes or “black outs”. Teaching personnel will help you if necessary -I’ll send you some detailed instructions by what issues you should especially focus on in your lecture -Some topics may be slightly more challenging than the other ones. This will be taken into account in the assessment. -You will get a short verbal feedback after the lecture -Do not hesitate to contact teachers if you don’t understand something or you do not know how to proceed. So, prepare your presentation few days earlier than you have it. -Take this as a positive challenge
Contact informations Room 206 in building K4 (Energia ja virtaustekniika) Tel Room 314 in building K1(Konetalo) Room 203 in building K4(Energia ja virtaustekniika) Tel