RECRUITMENT Unit 2 Business Development Managing People GCSE Business Studies
Recruitment Contract of Employment Person Specification Job Description Job Analysis
Process to identify duties and needs of job Information is used to: –highlight key features of job –prepare job description –plan future training programmes –set wage/salary levels
Job Description Defines the main duties and responsibilities of job Job description contains: –Job title –Main duties of job –Who the person is responsible for and who the person is responsible to –Date of issue Information contained in job description is used: –to write the job advertisement –by job applicant –by line manager
Person Specification Drawn up after job description Identifies characteristics of an ideal applicant for the job, such as: –Personal qualities –Knowledge –Qualifications –Skills –Previous experience Information contained in person specification is used: –to write the job advertisement –by job applicant –by line manager
Contract of Employment Sets out rights and duties of employee and employer Is an agreement between the two parties Gives protection to employee and employer Must be provided within 8 weeks of starting work
Contract of Employment should contain: –Name of employer/employee –Date of commencement of job –Title and description of job –Hours of work –Agreed rates and methods of payment –Pension scheme details –Holidays –Sickness/injury/maternity pay entitlement –Length of period of notice –Grievance and disciplinary procedures