Toby’s house Mother 在餐廳一邊切蛋糕,一邊叫 Toby 吃蛋 糕。忽然 Mother 發現 Grandma 和 Father 不見 了,問 Toby: 「 Where is Grandma? 」,Toby: 「 She is in the kitchen. 」,媽媽又問 Toby: 「 Where is Father? 」,Toby: 「 He is in the bedroom. 」當 Toby 端蛋糕進臥室時,發現 Father 因為工作太忙了,累得趴在床上睡著 了。 Mather 告訴 Toby: 「不要躺在客廳的沙 發上一直看電視,該起來動一下,幫忙去把 浴室打掃一下吧 !You are a good boy, right? 」
Kitchen Dining room Bathroom Bedroom Living room
Dining room
我是好眼力 ! This is the.
Living room Sofa TV
Ketchen sinkstove
Dining room Table Chair
Bathroom bathtub toilet
Bedroom bed computer
翻 翻 樂翻 翻 樂
There is a _______ in the ________.
Tody’s house Kithchen, kitchen, cook in the kitchen. Living room, living room, watch TV. Dining room, dining room, eat in the dining room. Bathroom, bathroom, take a bath. Bedroom, bedroom, I sleep in the bedroom.
This is the. ketchen
This is the. bedroom
This is the. bathroom
This is the. living room
This is the. dining room
There is a _________ in the __________.
There is a ________ in the _________.
There is a _______ in the _________.
There is a _______ in the __________.
There is a ______ in the __________.
The end