Wind Energy CLAY GREGG
WET The wind industry is a young green energy industry It grows by at least two percent each year Wind power is a tiny segment of the energy produced Wind farms are popping up from coast to coast An estimated 85,000 Americans are currently employed in the wind power industry and related fields
NextEra I would like to stay in Texas and work at a NextEra wind farm They are an energy company based out of Florida They are the number one leading company in renewable energy They are the largest contributor in North America of power from renewable energy, such as wind and solar
NextEra requires for a Wind technician A wind turbine technician is a job I feel I would be qualified to apply for after I graduate They require a degree such as an associates in sciences with a focus on wind or a bachelors in Electrical Engineering A valid drivers license A basic set of computer skills
I would be a good candidate because…… I will have an associates in WET I am ENSA certified I am an approachable person I am mechanically inclined