Part 1: How to use EasyAccess 2.0
Similar to your social network software, such as Skype, WhatsApp. One license for each HMI No license is needed for PC/iOS/Android apps
Domain System: Architecture HMI
Preparation You will need: 1.Activation Card 2.HMI which supports EasyAccess 2.0 (MT8000iE, MT8000XE, eMT3000, mTV, and cMT-SVR) 3.Internet connection for PC and HMI
Preparation (Setup) Internet
Steps (First time user) Step 1: Register in Domain System Step 2: Download EasyAccess 2.0 Step 3: Activate your HMI by EasyAccess 2.0 PC Activator Step 4: Add a user account in Domain system for connection Step 5: Assign a HMI to the user Step 6: Prepare HMI Step 7: Start connection!
Step 1: Register in Domain System Why? Use Domain account to manage your HMI’s. Domain Admin account registration HOW Register administrator account Account can be alphanumeric characters and underscores, case- insensitive. Check your for confirmation after registration. (required) Go to
Step 1: Register in Domain System Domain Admin account registration HOW Check your and click the confirmation link.
Step 1: Register in Domain System Domain Admin account registration HOW You will see the confirmation is in progress: After the confirmation is done. You will see this on the website.
Step 2: Download EasyAccess Go to home page again ( 2.Click Windows to download EasyAccess 2.0 PC App. After that, install the program.
Step 3: Activate your HMI by EasyAccess 2.0 PC Activator 1.Connect your prepared HMI to same network at which your PC is. 2.Open EasyAccess 2.0 PC Activator in your start menu. PC Activator
Step 3: Activate your HMI by EasyAccess 2.0 PC Activator 3.Select your HMI 4.Enter Domain account (from Step 1) and password 5.Enter Activation code 6.Click Activate
Step 4: Add a user account in Domain system for connection 1.Go to home page again ( 2.Login using your Domain account (from Step 1) 3.Now click [Add User] to create a new user.
Step 4: Add a user account in Domain system for connection 4.Enter user id and user . Note that another confirmation will be sent to the address. A default password will be shown in the . Remember to click the confirmation link, or you cannot login the user later.
Step 5: Assign a HMI to the user 1.Go back to the website 2.Click the checkbox next to the user. 3.Click [Edit User] on the menu above.
Step 5: Assign a HMI to the user 1.Click [+] icon next to HMI and select your HMI 2.Click [Save]
Step 6: Prepare HMI Configuration is all set. But one more thing, HMI and PC both need to go on-line. EasyBuilder Pro has templates for EasyAccess Create a new project using templates, and you can see window#76 like below:
Step 6: Prepare HMI 2.In windows#10, add a [Function Key] object to popup window#76. 3.Download the project to HMI. 4.On HMI, click the [Function Key] object you just added. 5.Click “Start” button. If the network setting of your HMI is correct, the state will be online like this:
Step 7: Start connection! Now, we are at the final step. 1.Open EasyAccess 2.0 app. 2.Enter domain (from step 1), user (from step 4) and password (from ) and click [Login]
Step 7: Start connection! 3.Click [Connect] button 4.After PC is connected to the HMI, you will information like below: This means you are now connected to the HMI and is ready to operate any network operation to it! Note that default has no VNC software installed. You may click blue setting button of HMI and choose HMI Viewer. 5.If you are done connecting, click the connection button again to disconnect.
Steps (Next time) Step 1: Register in Domain System Step 2: Download EasyAccess 2.0 Step 3: Activate your HMI by EasyAccess 2.0 PC Activator Step 4: Add a user account in Domain system for connection Step 5: Assign a HMI to the user Step 6: Prepare HMI Step 7: Start connection!
Part 2: Understanding EasyAccess 2.0
Domain System: Management webpage Admin User
Domain System: Example ABC Group1Group3 B Admin Each User manages multiple HMIs and HMI groups BACD 1
HMI Status Explained Status: Connected VPN IP Status: Offline Status: Occupied One HMI can only be connected by one user at one time. If someone else is connecting to this HMI, you will see this. Status: Online
Domain System: HMI groups Use HMI groups to do batch HMI assignment ENTER HMI Group name 2 Click + Add Group button 1 Press Save 3
More about the system Limitation of data transfer per month: = 1GB: 5 KB/s All service uses HTTPS port (443) Ethernet-Ethernet Pass-through: Only 1 IP One HMI can be registered to only one Domain One HMI can only be connected by one Domain User at a time And, one user can connect to multiple HMIs at a time
EasyAccess 2.0 Local Word addresses HMI must go on-line LW-10820: Start/Stop EasyAccess 2.0 LW-10821: Display session ID LW-10826: Display password LW-10828: HMI status (0:Unused, 1:Offline, 2:Online, 3:Occupied) LW-10829: HMI connection LW-11210: HMI hardware key EasyAccess 2.0 system tag group
EasyAccess 2.0 Runtime HMI has never downloaded easy_access_client before The current version of easy_access_client on HMI is different from the version on PC Whenever HMI goes online (EasyAccess 2.0), HMI will automatically check the newest version of easy_access_client from the server
Part 3: EasyAccess 2.0 Demonstration
PC-to-HMI VNC remotely monitor HMI FTP file transfer PC-to-HMI-to-PLC Ethernet Pass-through (Serial port / Ethernet)
Ethernet Pass-through (Ethernet) VPN server WAN IP: Internet PC LAN IP: Firewall WAN IP: LAN IP: HMI LAN IP: Firewall WAN IP: LAN IP: VPN IP: VPN IP: PLC LAN IP: LAN Internet VPN PC can connect to this PLC via HMI!
Part 3: Q&A