Possible cytopathogenesis of cells infected with animal viruses
The reproductive cycle of animal viruses Virus attachment to host cell Virus entry into cells Transcription, translation and genome replication Assembly, exit and maturation of progeny virions
virus attachment to host cells Viral replication virus attachment to host cells
Viral receptors and coreceptors
Influenza virus structure
virus entry into host cells Viral replication virus entry into host cells
Three entry and uncoating strategies
Mechanism of uncoating within endosomes
Virus entry via receptor-mediated endocytosis
transcription, translation and genome replication Viral replication transcription, translation and genome replication
Genomes of DNA viruses unimolecular ds or ss 5-240 kb linear or circular Genomes of RNA viruses unimolecular or segmented ss or ds 1,7-25 kb linear or circular (+ )or (-) polarity
The diversity of viral transcription strategies Synthesis of viral macromolecules The diversity of viral transcription strategies The diversity of viral translation strategies The diversity of viral genome replication strategies
The diversity of viral transcription and translation strategies: Rhabdoviruses (-) ssRNA
The diversity of viral translation strategies: Picornaviruses polyprotein synthesis
The diversity of viral genome replication strategies: adenovirus DNA replication
The Baltimore classification system Class I and VII ds DNA
The Baltimore classification system Class I and VII ds DNA Class II ss DNA
The Baltimore classification system Class I and VII ds DNA Class II ss DNA Class III ds RNA (+/-)
The Baltimore classification system Class I and VII ds DNA Class II ss DNA Class III ds RNA (+/-) Class IV ss RNA (+)
The Baltimore classification system Class I and VII ds DNA Class II ss DNA Class III ds RNA (+/-) Class IV ss RNA (+) Class V ds RNA (-)
The Baltimore classification system Class I and VII ds DNA Class II ss DNA Class III ds RNA (+/-) Class IV ss RNA (+) Class V ds RNA (-) Class VI
The Baltimore classification system Parvovirus (B19) Class I and VII ds DNA Class II ss DNA Class III ds RNA (+/-) Class IV ss RNA (+) Class V ds RNA (-) Class VI Adenovirus Herpesvirus Papilloma Polyomavirus Poxvirus Hepadnavirus Retrovirus Orthomyxovirus Paramyxovirus Rhabdovirus Reovirus Picornavirus Togavirus
transcription, translation and genome replication of DNA viruses Viral replication transcription, translation and genome replication of DNA viruses
Flow of events in multiplication of Herpeviruses: an example Class I virus Figure: 16-20 Caption:
Structure and genome organization of Herpes simplex 1 virus (HSV-1)
Attachment Entry Uncoating Viral Synthesis Assembly Maturation Exit
Structure and genome organization of the Poxvirus Vaccinia virus: an example of Class I virus that replicates in the cytoplasm
Attachment Entry Uncoating Viral Synthesis Assembly Maturation Exit
transcription, translation and genome replication of RNA viruses Viral replication transcription, translation and genome replication of RNA viruses
Structure and genome organization of the Picornavirus Poliovirus: an example of Class IV virus
Attachment Entry Uncoating Viral Synthesis Assembly Maturation Exit
Poliovirus RNA replication
Structure and genome organization of the Rhabdovirus Vesicular Stomatitis Virus: an example of Class V virus
Attachment Entry Uncoating Viral Synthesis Assembly Maturation Exit
The Orthomyxovirus Influenza A virus: an example of Class V virus that replicates in the nucleus
Attachment Entry Uncoating Viral Synthesis Assembly Maturation Exit
Class VI virus: the Retroviruses
Attachment Entry Uncoating Viral Synthesis Assembly Maturation Exit
Replication process of a Retrovirus
Replication process of a Retrovirus
Translation of Retrovirus mRNA and processing of the proteins: the GAG and POL proteins
Translation of Retrovirus mRNA and processing of the proteins: the ENV proteins SU TM
Structure and genome organization of the Class VII virus: Hepadnaviruses
Attachment Entry Uncoating Viral Synthesis Assembly Maturation Exit
assembly, exit and maturation of progeny virions Viral replication assembly, exit and maturation of progeny virions
Hypothetical pathway of virion assembly and release
Assembly of Poliovirus in the cytoplam of an infected cell
Assembly of a Retrovirus from polyprotein precursors
Mechanism of budding of enveloped viruses